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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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[spoiler=Do Not Look]

[spoiler=You Looked]

[spoiler=I told you not to look]

[spoiler=Stop Pressing!]

[spoiler=Ow, your hurting my feelings!]

[spoiler=Fenrir is Awesome]

[spoiler=I'm Bored]

[spoiler=Guess What?]

[spoiler=I gotz a birthday present!]

[spoiler=Wanna see?]

[spoiler=Maybe I shouldn't let you, you disobey orders...]



[spoiler=What are you waiting for?]

[spoiler=Do I have to give it to you?]

[spoiler=Are you Mentally Retarded?]

[spoiler=Here it is, fool!]

[spoiler=Look at it, not the butterfly!]

[spoiler=God, humans need a brain check.]









































Doesn't matter, it's the thought that counts. I thought it was horrible, but I can't do any better.

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I thought it was short.


Owait, sarcasm, nvm. And thanks Black.

[spoiler=Do Not Look]

[spoiler=You Looked]

[spoiler=I told you not to look]

[spoiler=Stop Pressing!]

[spoiler=Ow' date= your hurting my feelings!]

[spoiler=Fenrir is Awesome]

[spoiler=I'm Bored]

[spoiler=Guess What?]

[spoiler=I gotz a birthday present!]

[spoiler=Wanna see?]

[spoiler=Maybe I shouldn't let you, you disobey orders...]



[spoiler=What are you waiting for?]

[spoiler=Do I have to give it to you?]

[spoiler=Are you Mentally Retarded?]

[spoiler=Here it is, fool!]

[spoiler=Look at it, not the butterfly!]

[spoiler=God, humans need a brain check.]

[spoiler=Actually, you don't deserve it]

[spoiler=No, you don't]



[spoiler=I feel like it]

[spoiler=I feel like it]

[spoiler=I said that twice]

[spoiler=I wonder]

[spoiler=If anybody]


[spoiler=I'm Watching Them]

[spoiler=While they]

[spoiler=Sleep at night]

[spoiler=Oh, the thing?]

[spoiler=My Birthday present?]

[spoiler=Wanna see it?]

[spoiler=You sure?]


[spoiler=Nah, lets have a conversation.]

[spoiler=Do you know the Chaos Theory?]

[spoiler=Meh, I know part of it.]

[spoiler=Could you explain it to me?]


[spoiler=Do you talk?]


[spoiler=Am I talking to myself?]

[spoiler=Are you being mean to me?]

[spoiler=I know you are, meanie!]

[spoiler=I'm gonna tell on you!]

[spoiler=And no present for you!]

[spoiler=Wait, do you wanna hear a funny joke?]

[spoiler=Tiger Woods isn't a tiger anymore, he's a Cheeta!]


[spoiler=Why aren't you laughing?]

[spoiler=Laugh now!]

[spoiler=It was funny!]

[spoiler=Fine, bish]

[spoiler=Leave my presence]

[spoiler=Your contaminating my air]

[spoiler=You won't leave?]

[spoiler=Fine, then I'll throw this birthday present at you!]

[spoiler=Now, you are dead.]








[spoiler=Sorry, I was savoring the moment]

[spoiler=Meh, since your dead, might as well see what killed you.]




[spoiler=Just to let you know...]

[spoiler=Before you look...]

[spoiler=Just know that...]

[spoiler=Everything I say...]

[spoiler=Is a...]












































































































































































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Username: Smeargle

Your Characters: Eisaka Torimino

[spoiler=[b]A GOOD RP Sample(At least 7 sentences):[/b]]Eisaka regained his conscious. He was under a large pile of sharp metal. He pushed off all of the metal. When Eisaka stoon up a large piece of metal rubbed against his back, peeling of some skin. "RAAAGGGGHHHHH!" Eisaka screamed in pain. He tried walking, but when he tried, he collapsed. He looked at his foot. A bone was sticking out. Eisaka gasped in fright. This had never happened to him. Someone familliar walked over to Eisaka. "Huh..? S-Sarika?" Eisaka asked.

"Eisaka?! You're alive!" Sarika sighed in relief. Sarika was Eisaka's sister.

"Where's our parents?" Eisaka asked.

"They.." Sarika looked down at the ground.

"Ohh.." Eisaka theen looked down aswell.


Not mah best.




BAM, and the Smeargle is here!

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This one is ALL ME.



WHY the hell did you go carelessly spamming all around!? I know that YOU know that that thread was going to be nothing but trouble. Black-san steered from it. Why? Because it was so funking obvious!!!

And then, even though you DESERVED the ban l still risked bailing you out which got me a 20% warning!!! So l had to settle for getting riku banned, but now he's pissed at me and he wasn't perma'd either.

What do you have to say!?

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