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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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Here is what I have so far, and what Cephus has "created" for me/us. Enjoy!


[spoiler=Shrine to the God of Mystery, Jake the Sage]


Books crash all around you as the search for an answer continues. A mystery has been layed before you, a riddle . . . a conundrum that teases you while awake, and haunts your dreams. Finding the final book, marked with a symbol unrecognizable, you take it in your hand and set it on your lap. Slowly the cover opens and envelops you in a gray haze.


Coughing and swinging your arms you find yourself walking out of the gray haze into a black forest, its base smothered in the gray fog. Farther within the black forest an eerie light shines, causing you to wonder the purpose of the glow. You venture closer, for you find that behind you is nothingness. A voice goads you, "A questions without an answer is a riddle, questions without answers have been answered. The answeres you seek my friend, lie in the middle."


You approach quickly and quietly, the black forest and grey fog confusing your senses, making your head spin. As you make steady progress through the fog, you start to see the shape of a building. Though breaking into the clearing you realize the impossability of this structure with no foundation, floating freely above the ground. Its sides are angled to not match and are uneven as it spins in place and back in reverse. The cabin is surrounded and covered in many oddities and objects, ornaments and relics from generations past; golden Crowns to single lego pieces, glasses of water half full to glasses of wine half empty. You ask yourself how all of this is possible. As if to answer a streak of pure white light comes with no source and enters through a window on a door with no handle, "A questions without an answer is a riddle, questions without answers have been answered. The answeres you seek my friend, lie in the middle."


Placing your cheeck to the window you see that which the light has rested upon, the unmistaken the Symbol of Mystery. It radiated pure energy and power; causing you to question and wonder about the creator. You examine the door with no handle, attempting to discover a way inside. Seeing a handle amongst the oddities and object you grasp it.


[spoiler=Positive Outcome]

Tossing the handle aside you choose to leave some mysteries to never be solved. Clenching your hand you turn your back to the Symbol and the impossible cabin. In a blink you have returned from where you began, the book closed in front of you and a small box.


Taking the box into your lap you open it, finding the answer to your original question. Looking at the lide you see a small note, with a few words scribbled in different colors, "A questions without an answer is a riddle, questions without answers have been answered. The answeres you seek my friend, lie in the middle."



[spoiler=Negative Outcome]

Clenching the handle you place it to the door and motion as if opening it. A click echoes out as the door opens up. Walking inside you reach out to touch the Symbol, but find it to be merely an illusion, a trick to get you inside.


Turning around you see a man with a mask by the door, slowly shutting it. Your heart leaps as the floor and walls disolve while you race to escape. However you are too late, the door is shut . . . you are left alone, in the middle of nowhere. You look around and begin to wonder how to get free, to which you are answered, "A questions without an answer is a riddle, unanswered questions are in themselves answered. The answeres you seek my friend, lie in the middle."


And, as long as the God of Mystery is alive and well, you will never find it.








[spoiler=Shrine to the Goddess of Love, TaokakaTheCat]

The nightime air is crisp and cool as you walk hand in hand with your lover. The evening has gone better than in your wildest dreams as you both stop and turn towards each other. The sight of your lover standing there causes you to become red and glance away as they step closer, preparing for a passionate kiss. As you lean in for their soft lips a chill courses throughout your body and makes you pause.


Somehow, without realizing it, you have been brought somewhere else. This land of darkness and frigid atmosphere makes you shiver as an echo calls out with a soft, inviting voice, "Join Me . . ."


You are lead, not by your feet, but by the strings of your heart to an area of unimaginable grace. The feeling of soft grass makes your feet relax as you lay down amoungst the white marble collums that dot the landscape. A sweet fragrance drifts past your nose and you breath the sent in deeply, admiring how unique it is. Raising to your feet to discover the source you see right before your eyes a temple, which, from the a distance looks like unmistakably like a couple embracing each other. You look in awe, the image causing your heart to beat faster; and at the top is the universal symbol for love floating within the Temple. Standing you walk with an unknown passion growing in your heart, a desire you cannot hope to understand.


"A gift for you," says the voice, coming from everywhere but mostly, from within yourself, "A gift far greater than any you could imagine. You have fell deeply in love, with a beautiful person."


The voice stressed its words, as if it were causing the speaker pain, "But . . ." the voice snickered, "If you give up your love, I will give you your greatest desire . . . and more . . ."


The Symbol of Love flaoted towards you hand, landing gently and materializing in the form of a heart-shaped locket. Understanding that within love lies the heart, as if caged with its own desire for release. The artifact eminated a power so grand, it set the nearby trees ablaze in brilliant gold flames. However its power affected you the most, making you love it . . . desire it, to keep it with you . . . forever and farther still.


The voice seems to flaot around you, teasing and taunting you as you hold the locket in your hands, the desire growing steadily, "Release your love my dear. Release it from the cage . . . and set it free. Then, my dear, you may have your hearts true desire . . ."


Your hands slowly clamp shut over the locket, holding it close to your chest. The desire is overhelming as you make your choice; either because of the power, or your will . . .


[spoiler=Positive Outcome]

You toss the heart locket away while shaking your head, realizing the risk of losing your lover. The memory of them rushes back to you as you take a step back, finding yourself back to the begining and in front of your lover. They have not experianced a thing, and still lean in for the kiss.


Taking them in your arms you exclaim your love for them and you both embrace each other in a passionate kiss. Breaking away you see the heart locket float down as if a leaf and land next to you. Picking it up it snaps open and you find that it has a message. Though it is only a couple of words, they meant a lot.


"May Your Happiness Last Forever And Father Still . . ."



[spoiler=Negative Outcome]

You clutch the locket against you and exclaim your desire for it- nothing else mattering to you but the locket you now possess. Light erupts from your tightly clenched hands as the locket bursts free from your grasp, fluttering up it opens and showers you with golden light. You close your eyes as the feeling of a hand brushing against your lower jaw makes you shiver, not with fear, but excitment. Standing in front of you is a women beyond compare, beyond measure, "Now you are mine . . ."


With a kiss you feel you legs give out as you fall to the ground. Gasping for air your vision blurs as the woman sets you on her lap, running her fingers through your hair as the life leaves you, "Forever and farther still . . ."








[spoiler=Shrine to the God of Night, Kira Kills]

Looking up from your bed you see the star, infinite in number . . . impossible to count, they twinkle faintly but obviously in the night sky. You are restless and instead watch the heavens, for its so vast and amazing, compared to the normality of regular life. Your desire to escape this life is answered as your body grows light; as if they are pulling you up, silently and slowly, into their domain in the skies . . . and beyond.


Your happiness, your love for the contrast between the earth and the stars, making you feel as if you are one; floating just as them, dimly in the night. You are mesmerized, the change so pleasing you forget the your troubles. The stars literally dance around you. Pegasus, Perseus, Orion, Andromeda, they all dance around you, as if you were one of them. They danced joyiously as they lept and twirrled, yet you could not join the dance with them; you are frozen, bound to the earth. Even the sky moved, dancind to an imaginary beat. As the dance continues you see one star apart from the rest.


Polaris, brightest of them all, approached you and transfigured into the shape unmistakable. The appearance of a man, his heart glowing with the brilliance of a star, the very moon slowly revolving around his glorious figure . . . The Symbol of Night. The man gazed into your eyes, knowledge beyond compare to the feeble glances you would take at the figure. A single finger rested upon your forehead as glimpses of events, dates, times were seen . . . pictures of past, present, and future, all within your mind's eye. They flipped quickly and quietly, undicipherable to a mortal such as you.


Then all the stars went black, the constallations still next to you also disappeared. All but Polaris, and its halo. Words passed from the figure's lips without being moved, "Look . . . Beyond . . ."


[spoiler=Positive Outcome]

As you focused on the star, the voice, and the sky, you looked away. The stars are beautiful, but to remain among them is impossible. You suddenly desire to be in your room, in your bed . . .


As the feeling of soft covers brush against your legs you open your eyes to see the stars in the sky. You have returned to your bed and lie back in comfort.


Your eyes grow heavy as a voice speaks softly to you, "Look beyond . . . and sleep . . ."



[spoiler=Negative Outcome]

As you focused on the star, the voice, and the sky, you look beyond. Beyond this world, into the realm of reality and into one you can not understand. As you drift throughout this void you see the answer . . .


"Beyond the Stars," the voice said, "Is eternal sleep . . ."


And his voice echoes in your mind your eyes grow heavy. Shutting finally you fall into your endless sleep.








[spoiler=Shrine to the God of Time, 820reborn, and the God of Space, Andx]


The early morning feel nice against your face as the warm sun rises behind the city; the excellent time for an early morning walk. Winter is fast approaching as the leaves change into brilliant colors and the air is nice and crisp; watching as your breath float up into the sky, soon disappearing. Continuing your walk the path seemingly endless as the surroundings become silent. You are no longer in the suburbs you know full and well, nothing is familiar anymore. There is only the winding and twisting path ahead of you, with clocks floating around suspended in midair. As you walk, you find if harder becoming increasily difficult to lift yur legs and continue down the street.


Finally your legs have grown so heavy that you are unable to mive, stuck in a single spot with no way to go forward of behind; it felt like lead weights have been tied around your ankles. The clocks surround you as you are turned upside down, the clock shines with brilliant power as it moves and transfigures into the shape of a young child. Before your eyes the child becomes an old man and then again into a teenager, only to return back to a child. The old man walks beside you and then places his young hand at your shoulder, "What do my young eyes see before my wrinkled face? An older gentleman is what I do see."


As he speaks the your body doesn't feel attached anymore, like it has seperated from you and placed somewhere else. The slowness, though it seemed slow enough, went slower, until everything halted completely.

Before you the pathway breaks and another being appears before you. With no shape nor form underneath a cloak of changing colors. The figure holds out a glove and beacons you to join him, "Your way shall be found through unseen maps."



[spoiler=Achieve Time]

Though you seem to be frozen in time everything continues to move about you. Returning to your world you remain forzen and can only watch as the events and years pass by slowly. The child walks up to you, an 'R' symbol around his wrinkled old neck, "Forever you will gaze at the world, and understand its meaning."


And realizing the meaning you watch helplessly as the teenager walks off.



[spoiler=Achieve Space]

At that instant, you are transported to a world of distortions, where things are upside-down and reversed. In the middle of all this, there are is the cloaked figure before you, standing and beaconing youo once more. Around him floating is a "Q" staff. As you walk closer you seemingly grow to the size of a giant and a small archway blocks your path, "Your way shall be found through unseen maps."


The voice boomed in the twisted world, sending pangs through you. The symbol shattered and the light showered on you. It rejuvinated you, and made you feel tireless.


Appearing back at the begining you look around and spot a map in front of you. Seeing it you take it in hand and open it up, only to find it empty and an echo stating, "Your way shall be found through unseen maps . . ."







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