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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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A shrine is built for Taokaka.


The nightime air is crisp and cool as you walk hand in hand with your lover. The evening has gone better than in your wildest dreams as you both stop and turn towards each other. The sight of your lover standing there causes you to become red and glance away as they step closer' date=' preparing for a passionate kiss. As you lean in for their soft lips a chill courses throughout your body and makes you pause.


Somehow, without realizing it, you have been brought somewhere else. This land of darkness and frigid atmosphere makes you shiver as an echo calls out with a soft, inviting voice, "Join Me . . ."


You are lead, not by your feet, but by the strings of your heart to an area of unimaginable grace. The feeling of soft grass makes your feet relax as you lay down amoungst the white marble collums that dot the landscape. A sweet fragrance drifts past your nose and you breath the sent in deeply, admiring how unique it is. Raising to your feet to discover the source you see right before your eyes a temple, which, from the a distance looks like unmistakably like a couple embracing each other. You look in awe, the image causing your heart to beat faster; and at the top is the universal symbol for love floating within the Temple. Standing you walk with an unknown passion growing in your heart, a desire you cannot hope to understand.


"A gift for you," says the voice, coming from everywhere but mostly, from within yourself, "A gift far greater than any you could imagine. You have fell deeply in love, with a [i']beautiful[/i] person."


The voice stressed its words, as if it were causing the speaker pain, "But . . ." the voice snickered, "If you give up your love, I will give you your greatest desire . . . and more . . ."


The Symbol of Love flaoted towards you hand, landing gently and materializing in the form of a heart-shaped locket. Understanding that within love lies the heart, as if caged with its own desire for release. The artifact eminated a power so grand, it set the nearby trees ablaze in brilliant gold flames. However its power affected you the most, making you love it . . . desire it, to keep it with you . . . forever and farther still.


The voice seems to flaot around you, teasing and taunting you as you hold the locket in your hands, the desire growing steadily, "Release your love my dear. Release it from the cage . . . and set it free. Then, my dear, you may have your hearts true desire . . ."


Your hands slowly clamp shut over the locket, holding it close to your chest. The desire is overhelming as you make your choice; either because of the power, or your will . . .


[spoiler=Positive Outcome]

You toss the heart locket away while shaking your head, realizing the risk of losing your lover. The memory of them rushes back to you as you take a step back, finding yourself back to the begining and in front of your lover. They have not experianced a thing, and still lean in for the kiss.


Taking them in your arms you exclaim your love for them and you both embrace each other in a passionate kiss. Breaking away you see the heart locket float down as if a leaf and land next to you. Picking it up it snaps open and you find that it has a message. Though it is only a couple of words, they meant a lot.


"May Your Happiness Last Forever And Father Still . . ."



[spoiler=Negative Outcome]

You clutch the locket against you and exclaim your desire for it- nothing else mattering to you but the locket you now possess. Light erupts from your tightly clenched hands as the locket bursts free from your grasp, fluttering up it opens and showers you with golden light. You close your eyes as the feeling of a hand brushing against your lower jaw makes you shiver, not with fear, but excitment. Standing in front of you is a women beyond compare, beyond measure, "Now you are mine . . ."


With a kiss you feel you legs give out as you fall to the ground. Gasping for air your vision blurs as the woman sets you on her lap, running her fingers through your hair as the life leaves you, "Forever and farther still . . ."






That is how is should be ^^ lol

You all want super-long descriptions?


Meh' date=' I'll do Kira, then 820, then Andx, then Uchiha, unless Uchiha can convince his brother to give up his spot, meaning I would have to stop whatever I was doing, and do Uchiha's.


Unless anybody want's to wait...?



I'll help change all of those!




I honestly enjoyed editing Tao's shrine. Wouldn't mind doing it for everyone else . . .

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Jake, you are so much better at love than I am.


A shrine is built for Kira. Unlike the other shrines, this shrine is "As big as the world itself."


The stars. Infinite in number, impossible to count, they twinkle faintly, but obviously, in the night sky. You are taken by this view, for it is so amazing, compared to the humdrum of regular life. You are caught by them so well, it is if they are pulling you up, silnetly and slowly, into their twinkles in the skies, and beyond. Your happiness; your love for the stars makes you feel like you are one, floating just as them, dimly in the night. You are so mesmerized, the change in immediate scenery does not phase you, for the stars are still in your view, not moving from the spot they once were in.


The stars literally peeled off their positions in the sky, and circled you. Pegasus, Perseus, Orion, Andromeda, they all dance around you, as if you were one of them. They had a joyous time, but you could not move and dance with them; you were frozen in place with awe. Even the sky moved, dancind to an imaginary beat. But then, suddenly, it all stopped. The sky stopped moving, the stars stopped dancing. The sky was silent, like it should be.


Except for one star.


Polaris, brightest of them all, took on a different shape this night. Clearly, what looked like a Cresent Moon was slowly revolving around it, in such a way that the curved indent always faced Polaris. It moved slow at first, small revolutions, then, it because faster and faster. It was soon a halo around Polaris, a sight to see.


The Symbol of Night, a very joyous symbol. It brought enlightenment to those who see it; visions of the future. A glimpse of pictures were seen, pictures of past, present, and future, inside the halo. They flipped quickly and quietly; only one with deep concentration can find the real meaning of the pictures before they moved on to the next. But you see these pictures, some which make you happy, some which make you want to cry. You know, this is life. The God of Stars is showing you life.


Then an involuntary question flashes through your head. Why? Why show me? The sky stayed silent for a moment, then all the stars went black. The constallations still next to you also disappeared. All but Polaris, and its halo. And words passed through your head, though they weren't your doing. "Look Beyond... Look Beyond..."


As you focused on the star, the voice, and the sky, you looked beyond. Beyond this world, beyond life, beyond death.


"Beyond the Stars..." the voice said, "Where he sleeps."


And his voice kept ringing through your ear as you fell to your endless sleep.



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Is he talking to himself?


[i dunno . . .]


Maybe he's crazy . . .


[Call the mental hospital *tosses phone*]


*catches and begins dialing*


I was obviously talking to the imaginary colorful donkey which randomly barged into my house' date=' and he is responding with proper english.[hr']

Okay' date=' 820's, then, bye for now. No, wait, I know! Do both at once. 820, you don't mind being twins with Andx, right?


R and Q, right?


Okay then. But, what do you want to be?[hr']

Oh, and no Life/Death, too big. How about Galaxy and Oblivion?




Meh, okay. (I knew you were going to say that!) (820 is Time, Andx is Space)


Can I read so I can add it to my collection of edits?


Do whatever you want.

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Is he talking to himself?


[i dunno . . .]


Maybe he's crazy . . .


[Call the mental hospital *tosses phone*]


*catches and begins dialing*


I was obviously talking to the imaginary colorful donkey which randomly barged into my house' date=' and he is responding with proper english.[hr']

Okay' date=' 820's, then, bye for now. No, wait, I know! Do both at once. 820, you don't mind being twins with Andx, right?


R and Q, right?


Okay then. But, what do you want to be?[hr']

Oh, and no Life/Death, too big. How about Galaxy and Oblivion?




Meh, okay. (I knew you were going to say that!) (820 is Time, Andx is Space)


Can I read so I can add it to my collection of edits?


Do whatever you want.

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