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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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well then if you want to go then maybe you could arange something with a friend from the same church for a ride or something. in my opinion, your mom should at least be respectful of your wishes and let you have a ride to church with her at the wheel. she doesn't have to go, but she should at least provide for those who still want to go......but then again, thats just my opinion.

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Username: Blackwing-Master

Rp Characters: James

RP example : you've seen me rp before Kazekage-------Gaara, but i'll post and example.

"y..you think i'll give up that easyly!" said James dodging the attack, but still taking the damage. "Err... Now it's my turn



"Now... you don't have anything to defend you, so i'll play cold wave. now all s/t are on ice for the rest of the turn... and that's all i need. now i special summon bora the spear and sych it with my gale. {speech}The darkness can't win against the light, no matter how powerful it is, and this is proof. SYNCHRO SUMMON, SHOW YOURSELF, INFERNO WING DRAGON!

Now i discard a card to destroy your immortal!"

the dragon breathed flames that destroyed the giant monster.



???:0: X

i can do better, but this is what i could find from one of my old rp's. would have quoted it, but it's locked so i can't.

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