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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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Ha. Ha. Ha.


Points to Link's Train, Boat, Zelda's Ship, and the Hot Air Ballon.


Zelda's Final Smash > 100 Meta Knight Final Smashes

Zelda > 100 Meta Knights

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And he isn't even my best player.


I can play as Kirby' date=' Sonic, Pit, Meta Knight, Yoshi, Lucus, Pokemon Trainer, Omar, Ness (couldn't remember f**king name), Mr Game And Watch, Mario and Luigi


Give me Fox (my best character) . . . and none of you stand a chance!



Toon Link > 100 Kirbys

Pit > Sonic

Sonic > Pit

Link > 100 Meta Knights

Donkey Kong > 100 Yoshis

Ness > 100 Lucas's

Samus > 100 Pokemon Trainers

WTF is Omar?

Lucas > 100 Ness's

(couldn't remember f**king name) = (coudn't remember f**king name)

Luigi > 100 Mr. Game and Watch's

Luigi > 100 Marios

Mario = Fail


Falco > 100 Foxs (It's Foxs, not Foxes, Fox is a name.)

Gannondorf? Seriously!?


I can OWN Gannondorf easily . . . he is TOO slow. (same goes with Bowser)


I have to agree with you there. Ganondorf is slow, really slow.

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Granted he's PAINFULLY slow but i know how to work with Raw power to give myself an advantage that replaces speed for example i could say that with Fox's low strength and easiness to knock around i could "own" him but i recognize his speed as an advantage you may be able to beat Ganondorf my friend and do it easily but beating ME is a whole other story

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Well for one thing I am able to negate Fox's "easy ko optential"


I have been at over 200% damage and have NOT been knocked out by one of Gannondorf's punches. I can take hits and dish'em out. Also I have practiced enough that I can EASILY roll or dodge most attacks that you'd try to land on me.


Be like, "Missed me . . . Missed me again . . . ulp! over here . . . now over here!"

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Zelda, I have mastered some things.


She, herself, has no useful Normal Attacks. Smash Attacks are the only useful things with her. Also, her Magic Kicks have a secret code which I will not say, it is my secret, and probably a few other people which know, too.


I have masterer Zelda's Din Fires, so that I will be close to target, even if it is moving. I got Shiek's movement, speed, agility, doging, and fast hitting down, but still cannot master that rope.


hm...if you've gotten past Fox's vulnerability then against you the most logical choices would be either Falco or Mario


I use to be dashiz at Falco. Until, I started committing suicide with him, trying to accomplish an impossible task.

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I have mastered Fox completely. I can use ALL of his moves and techniques nearly without fail.


I say nearly because . . . well . . no one is perfect.


The only person I know who can beat me is my brother when he uses Wolf. He has mastered Wolf and can even get to the bottom level of Hyrulian Castle when he is in the tank!


You . . . cannot . . . escape him!

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Im fairly straighforward with Mario when i can't use Gannon Mario is always my option 2 i've utterly mastered defensive manuvering (dodge roll,Sidestop Dodge,Midair dodge) and i can use them as the situation demands i like how they extended the range and power of his smash attacks but none of us can REALLY test out our claims until we meet each other in the arena isnt that right jake?

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If I am Zelda, and I have the Smash Ball, no matter how much you think you can jump around, I will still get you. If I was Link, and I had the Smash Ball, run. If I was Peach, and I had the Smash Ball, stay in the air for as long as you possibly can.


If I'm Sonic, and I have the Smash Ball, we had a good game.


That is true.


But again . . . no one would ever beat my brother.


If he gets the Smash Orb. Just commite suicicde.


He . . . WILL . . . get you!


Just hope I don't play tennis on top of his Landmaster. jk, your brother probably would beat me.


Jake, you look like the person who would use Ike. He's a little lagging, but his hits are quite... hard.

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I actually prefer to use people with speed.


I don't put much faith in the complete power houses. Why give up the ability to dodge effectively? I have played as Ike before, but didn't do as well as when I play someone with speed.


I am just learning my brothers trick to getting everywhere with the Tank, and if your on top we can easily roll you know ^^


Again. If my brother has a tank. Kill yourself and make it easier for yourself.


On an off topic (kinda). I was playing as Meta Knight once and flew ALL the way under the Final Destination arena. Brother was like, "Can you DO that!?"


I had dodged one of his tank's cannon fires. (now if only I can do that on command)

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.....naw i though he was the disembodied hand of the child who played with the toys in SSB cuz yknow all throughout the SSB titles they looked like either toys or Trophies so i thought maybe Master hand is the hand of whoever was playing with the Trophies/Toys it gave the game a nostalgic sense of innocence

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