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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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*grabs some popcorn, pops a squat, and watches the fight* ^^ at least that's what he wants to do, but...

shadow: -moved with such speed as to create a gemino that took the hit. he then places his hand on the gemino and- chaos break. -modifying the attack so that the blood on gemin's blade explodes as well, doing some damage to his hands and lower arms and destroying his weapon- you were careless. and...you really think that you can win?

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"I told you..." Wayne said, pointing into the air. "You do not touch my wings."


Wayne himself seemed to discintegrate into a shower of sparkling golds and whites. A bunch of wires was left in his place. The Wayne was a machine. The wings formed on a different body, now hovering over 820. It looked just like the first Wayne.


"You touched my wings!" Wayne said, ticked off. He fired multiple arrows in the blink of an eye, then disappeared. The arrows followed 820, wherever he went. As they went into the body, they didn't stay. The arrows glided through the body, but left no wounds. Though it did leave searing pain in it's wake, unbearable pain.


Waynes appeared all over the room. They were teasing 820, giving faces at him.

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Tao looked at Wayne with a cocked head. "This guy wants to kill you. Why are you playing with him? He poses as a treat, yet you do not have the common sense to know that. I sometimes wonder who was really born first." Tao then checked his watch. Ray was now reading a different book this time. Helios was also gone, which semed odd. What were they planning? Why? He was going to ask Ray, but decided not to. If Ray wasn't speaking, he was suppose to keep it a secret.


Tao sighed, and continued to watch the fight. "Don't hurt him, remember that. Your main goal is to implant the mark. Once you do, get out of there." Tao looked around. Ray raised an eyebrow. Tao always hated it when Ray read thoughts. Nothing was private when you were with him.


Leon was at the edge of his seat. Ryan may have been smart, but Leon was winning. Ryan was sweating profusely. Three more moves, if everything went according to plan, Leon will finally have it. The win to rule the world. The win to gain acsess to unlimited information. The win to rub in Ryan's face.



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"Yay, now we get down to buisness." Wayne said, peppy now that his tantrum was over (he was in a closet punching a pillow). He was about to assume a fighting stance, but then stopped. "Question, Ryan, do you know what happens when intense light hits reflective white?" Ryan laughed. "Well, everyone in this room would go blind, basically." Wayne smirked. "Perfect."


lol Touch the Golden Wings.

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After chanting an incantation, 820 was overflowing with magic. Surges pulsed through his body. Stray sparks burned a hole in the ground.

"I've been holding back... But against you... I will feel no remorse," 820 said, not cracking a smile for once. He advanced on Wayne.

"You remind me too much of the old me... And for that-" His wand now pointed at his victim-"You must die."

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"Solar Complex! RGolden Sun!R" Wayne screamed. To answer his call, a gigantic sun image appeared in front of Wayne. It shielded him, but the hits started to crack the glass. Wayne wouldn't hold much longer. He then aimed an arrow at 820's head. The arrow was loaded with light energy, blinding to the eye. He shot, hoping he wouldn't miss. Wayne had to cover his eyes, or else he would've been blinded.

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The arrow didn't miss it's target...

After the blinding light cleared, 820 was still standing, seemingly unaffected by the energy... Although, it did blind him a bit.


He couldn't see, but he could still sense Wayne's body heat and fired more bolts of magic, a little less accurately this time.

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The sun broke, and Wayne sighed. He just needed to get close, but how? He needed a distraction.


Wayne chanted a few words, and the same sun as last time appeared, but in a different position. A bird, twice the size of Wayne, emerged from the void, shooting at 120 Miles per Hour at 820. Wayne started to move off to the side, and tried to lower his temperature as much as possible. The bird hovered around 820, trying to confuse him.

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wayne! cover your eyes! -suddenly appears in front of 820 and lucifer and- TAIYOKEN! -blinds lucifer, leaving 820 without any form of sight. chaos zero then slams his fist into 820 slammming him away-


ooc: just felt that i had to interject. XD probably the only interjection of the fight unless 820 gives lucifer a body to fight with. XD

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OOC:Zero...820-San i wanted to thank the 2 of you personally for standing behind my against C.C.Addict in my Rp thread that meant alot to me and you 2 are some kind of great people also i left a pretty eppin speech in there if ya feel so inclined to check it out ^-^ srsly though thanks guys

IC:Raiden and Tyler watched the fight Raiden popped open a mountain dew and starts chugging

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