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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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Hagi: Bloody wankers....

Rag: I'm ignoring you....

Melvin: OH, they gave me nachos to come. I need to give Zorc ad "pals" nachos so they don't kill me....

Tanekai: THANW00T!!!

Gaara: ....

Plato: Well.... o.o Mine are all suspense and fantasy.... Here! *Hands Phantom Skin* It's like Saw..... but not NEAR as gory and it isn't Horror.

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Neo: *Sigh* Anyway, I haven't seen you Rag, in a long time!

Nikko: *Still hugging Bakura and blushing* Tee he he!

Bakura: I didn't get any bloody nachos!!!

Sky: Ha ha ha! It gets annoying hanging around these guys all the time...

Shade: That zero wannabe is getting dull, he doesn't f***ing get hurt!!!

Phantom: Watch the language Shade! *Punches him* Thanks for the book! *Starts reading*

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Hagi: ..... Frigging fangirls.....

Rag: Hagi... YEAH! Hey Neo! Somehow this guy owns me now O.O Why doesn't Ragnelondite own me?!

Melvin: Well... I NEED them so I won't die!

Tanekai: It does....... Especially Hagi and Gaara....

Gaara: ......

Plato: You're welcome ^.^ Now.... *Is absorbed in book.*

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necros: GGAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! -having reached his limit, necros loses his form and falls away, starting to disappear-

luminous: DAMN!!! -merges with the light and surrounds necros, combining with the darkness and gaining a new form.........-


Zero: damn, some of the wounds are still there. heh. and here i thought that combining would fully heal me...this is a first. anyway, -unsheaths his z-saber and draws his z-buster- well, this looks like it will be quite the challenge. heh. nice.


ooc: and by the way, luminous and necros merge to become Zero. so they aren't there anymore. and also, usually the wounds fully heal, but you guys do have a point about not getting hurt. anyway, i was keeping track of it all, but i guess i should have made it obvious to everyone what was where. sorry about that! XD

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OOC: I'm not gonna die yet!

Gemin had read about Shaolin and how they could resist tremendous amounts of pain. They did this via deep meditation in a mind-over-matter kind of idea. However, he found his greatest wish in life, to feel like death. He almost smiled, but stopped himself.

"Remember," he thought, "you're supposed to be dead..."

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Neo: I... Don't... Know... Perhaps because Hagi is your cousin?

Nikko: *Still hugging* Your just jealous!

Bakura: Damn! Neo! Your god demands nachos!

Sky: It's Shade and Nikko for me...

Shade: What the friggin' crap Phantom?!... NOW zero wannabe gets hurt?!?!? Gaara, we should join forces! With your emo-ness and my evilness we will be unstopable! Nyeh heh heh! I mean muwha ha ha ha!

Phantom: *Reading intensively*

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Neo: *Stares* You... Shouldn't... Have...

Nikko: *Runs at Hagi top speed and chokes him* Ugly?!?!?!?!? Have you seen me?!

Bakura: Ah ha ha ha! That's my kind of woman! Kills on impulse! Ah ha ha ha!

Sky: Oh... That's a big no-no for her....

Shade: Oh yeah?! Then what should I call you? Browless?!

Phantom: *Still reading*

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Guyz' date=' i'm gonna get a name change.

I already had a name, but... Ideas?



Is it still gonna involve 820? (lol just asking)

I can't really say. I'm not good at coming up with online names as you can tell by my [sarcasm] Amazing [/sarcasm] name. Anyways, what are you thinking of changing it to?

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Neo: Stop Nikko! *Pulls her off of Hagi*

Nikko: Himph! And to think you were even remotely cute.

Bakura: Aww... If only it lasted longer! Ah ha ha ha ha!

Sky: Idiots... I'm going to go read with Phantom and Plato, Tanekai-san...

Shade: Then take this! *Throws bucket of water on top of Gaara* Bah ha ha ha ha!

Phantom: *Reads*

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Hagi: Me?....... Friggin Wanker Girl.....

Rag: *Sigh* my cousin....


Tanekai: I'm goin'.... I need a book, Give me Green, Plato?

Gaara: And what, pray tell, did that do?

Plato: Here. Go away. *Hands Green and reads more Red*

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Awesome pic there Garaa. Now golden light you know for sure that you're accepted because Garaa gave you the nice guy pose. *Thinks about garaa in naruto giving nice guy pose..... bashes head on desk to remove awkward image*

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