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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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Your Characters:Shikazu kato, Matt Stricer , Hammura ??? & Hakuro ???.

A GOOD RP Sample(At least 7 sentences):

After talking with the others in the order, Matt decided to send away a troup includiing 300 soldiers trained into Spy's to infect the other Castles from inside.

The troups hurryed away and leaved not even a corn of dust behind them.

Matt that were awfully arrogant moved away to the Training rooms for killing vermin that had been throwed in jail.

When all the settings had been satifisted 5 slaves were given different kind of weapons and were thrown out in the arena for gladiators.

Matt entered the arena with his katana laying in his hand ready to kill.

The 5 slaves that had been soldier training before they were thrown in jail, Were overconfidence over the fact that they were 5 and matt just one. The prisoners crasched towards to matt in order to slash his ribbons up.

Matt dodged all of there attack and launched a deadly blow with an perfect skill against one of the prisoners stomach that bursted blood out of the slash.

One of the prisoners were paralized by the speed of matt and fell to the floor as the sword hitted him.

the three remaining understood that there were no outrun and decided to attack from all matts side.

"Vermins.."Matt said as his sword spitted out blood at the eyes of the prisoners, The blood entered the bodys of the prisoners that fell to the ground.

Matt that had been given a little Wound, Slashed right throught all of them in a rash decision.

He leaved the bodys after him and returned to the dress room for changing his bloody clothes.

Minutes after matt had changed he walked in the direction of the Spy tower in order to see if there were anything detected yet. When Matt arrived at the detection Tower he walked in the direction of the Behaver commander.

"Anything yet?" he asked the behaver commander, The commander turned his head when he heard matts voice and answered quick.

"Nothing yet, Sir."

"I see.." matt said as he turned his back on the way out of the Detection tower.

When he Reached the hall, He walked in the direction to the main hall and his room. When he arrived at his room he fell down to his bed, Falling in a deep , deep Sleep.

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