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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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Name: Hast thou eyes? It is on my post. Throw "Yddisac" on the end if you'd like.



•Several thousand years' worth of history in a sprawling, multi-genre original 'verse that has yet to be published

•In RPs on YCM, the Dreadmaster Ytidens from Digimon: Seven Demon Lords and its innumerable spinoffs comes to mind, as well as my current characters, Cairea and Xydryce of the Alphabetical Order, and Alessandra and Azrael, the rulers of Naahg in Dragonfronts

•I specialize in RPing canon characters; I'm currently the most competent RPer in "Anime Stronghold" and am playing as the entire cast of Neon Genesis Evangelion

•Glancing over my threads should give you all the info you need.

[spoiler=RP Sample: Canon Characters]

"This is the best plan you have?!"


"We know disturbingly little about the situation using only cross-dimensional examination. With the MAGI still running restoration, we can't discover much."


"Yeah, but... really! Why him? He's the screwed-up one!"


"Well... I hate to break it to you, Asuka, but we're the reason he's 'the screwed-up one.' There's no reason to think a little journey through the cosmos might help re-adjust him to human interaction. God knows he won't get much here."


"And what is that supposed to mean?!"


"Face it — neither of us know how to interact with him. Neither of his parents have returned yet — "


"They would if this 'darkness' weren't getting in the way — "


"Exactly, that gives him incentive. And who does he have here? Us, who couldn't deal with him if we tried. A bunch of civilians he's never met, but worship him anyway. Maybe the First somewhere in the void. A fresh start's the only thing that can help him."




"Ah, he's ready."


The screen blinked to life. A brunet boy no older than fifteen stared back at the redheaded girl, roughly the same age, and the ink-haired woman, the only adult in the area.


"Are you really going to take this?!" the younger girl besought him, her despair finally overtaking her anger.


"If I don't do this..." The boy's voice was soft and a bit hoarse, in stark contrast to his comrade's screeches. "If I don't do this, I'll never find out if my parents love me enough to come back. Neither will you," he added sadly.


The girl fell silent as tears filled her eyes. After a short while, she bolted from the room.


The older woman stared regretfully after her. She turned back to the brunet. "We'll probably be launching in twenty-four hours," she warned him, "so sit tight until then, 'k?"


"I understand." The screen went blank. The woman was silent for a long time.


"Rits?" she asked finally.


The screen, now showing a blonde who, while still quite young, was indubitably the oldest person there. "Everything should be alright," she said distractedly, "but I wouldn't launch yet if I were you. It's been a while since she ran; we're still concerned about her systems."


"You mean we can launch now?" the dark-haired one said incredulously. "What about the communication? How are we setting that up?"


"The same rifts that allowed us to view the other worlds allow ridiculously fast communication even by our current venues — maybe a hundred seconds delay. Not good for mid-battle advisement, but Evangelion should be strong enough to deal with the other worlds running off Shinji's instincts alone. We'll want something faster eventually, obviously, but we can deal with that after they leave."


"And the S2 engine's been stabilized?"


"That's what we're worried about. I want another sync test run before we leave — make sure it can move, wield weapons, maintain stable LCL pressure. Care to do the honors?"


"On it. Shinji?"


The brunet reappeared on a different screen. "Huh?"


"Can you get to the cages? Turns out Rits is ahead of schedule. We just need to make sure EVA still runs, and then we can go."


"Uh..." He ran his hand through his hair. "I guess." The screen blanked.


"Let us know when he's there," the blonde requested before signing off.


Asuka is not going to be happy, Misato Katsuragi thought unhappily as she turned off her laptop, indecisive and regretful as ever.


[spoiler=RP Sample: Original Characters]

For the first time in three years, Cairea Cynebaraducanarth was actually glad to be going to school.


While Coello Middle was a horrendous cesspool of faith and "holiness," Aphthiton Kleos was, apparently, the exact opposite. Fortunately for her, regional law required that she be allowed to partially accelerate into tenth-grade advanced courses, given that a) she'd already skipped a grade, b) she scored high 4s on all her final exams the past year, and c) her parents would probably sue the district if she didn't accelerate.


She glanced at her schedule, looking for debate — er, English class. With students from all four years in attendance, surely there would be at least one other person with whom she could argue properly. Nothing was better than a good argument, after all.


Third period. Filed.


She hoped that the first half of her day would be enough to outweigh the hell that was the second half. Phys-ed with fundy loons... It's rather difficult to preach salvation if you're affiliated with that particular torture.


Aphthiton Kleos loomed ahead. The infinity symbol on the school flag still glowed. Cairea recalled her code word as she walked, now more apprehensive than excited, towards the enormous structure.


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Well you could take control of Sky (Phantom-san's character) if you want. However I wouldn't mind having more female characters controled by actual females (hmmm . . .)


Oh yeah' date=' I guess I could take over. . . So could I make my own character too?


Absolutely . . .


Making your own character would be fine with me. Just fill out the app in the first page and PM it too me.


And if you are wondering what Sky can do:

1) Fly

2) Super Strength


That is all.

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*Falls over and starts convulsing*


Roxas and CC Adicit is on OUR Side!? Holly hell! If Rinne doesn't get the point its a bad Idea then nothing will- short of YCM or Falling Pizza themselves stopping this.


Speaking of which *PMS both Admins*


But he said we only have to follow SOME of the Advance Clause bull s**t . . . not ALL


So may I suggest we ONLY follow the proper speech bit? Have your character talkin commas and all is good.


If that don't work *walks off and comes back in armor, sword drawn* I shall defend our freedom until my death- or banment . . . whichever comes first.

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I am not planning anything "reckless".


Oh wait . . . does talking to Icyblue count as being reckless?


If so then I am a bit too late (thought he did agree to help us).


I KNOW removing the Tag System is going to plunge the RPG Section back into the chaos of the "Advance Clause Test Period" . . . [where we valiantly fought the elitists]


"And I ask that the mods don't put EVERYONE through that again just to satisfy a FEW!"

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Yeah I talked to him and he said he would talk to Shadius and Rinne-douche


But seriously . . . removing the Tag System will only result in bad things. The "Advance Clause Test Period" arguements and the "war" will erupt again.


And I don't think I can stand going through another one of those. Why can't people just have f**king FUN on the rpgs and not take them so seriously!?

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