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Club Iron - Back, yo!


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Welcome to Club Iron.





As of today, to meet Flame Dragon's new rules, we will have a daily topic. I expect you to stick to that topic, and not make a new one. Thank you.


[spoiler=Today's topic:]

What's your favourite pizza topping?

And why?


[spoiler=Joining Form]

Name (YCM name please, NOT your REAL name):


How long you've been on YCM:




Regarding J-Max's thread in comments and suggestions, I have decided to make some posting rules. From now on, 1 and 2 word posts are forbidden, and anybody violating this rule will recieve a 1* warning which will expire in 2 weeks.





By Łεσ™



By iYoko



By Dog King








Both by legendaryyoshi



By Kotaro



By legendaryyoshi



By Death981



By... somebody.









Former Co-Hosts:

Santa's little Helper (inactive, banned from YCM, about to get banned for a month)

6 star members:

5 star members:

4 star members:

Łεσ™ 88/10

Bassa2 150/15

Santa's Little Helper (G) 166/10

3 star members:

Emo-te 59/10

Ðominant Ðaco 48/10 ©

Pmac 40/10

.:~w0rm~:. 47/15

Axel Bind 40/30

Kotaro 30/15

Ryder 48/10 *

2 star members:

Imma Mario 20/10

Death981 28/10

1 star members (start off as these):

^T^ 0/10

Haze 0/10

Prince Shadow 0/10

IkkI 0/10

Spire 0/10

Cardmaker $$$$ 0/10

Silent Magician 2.0 0/10

Master Chief13 0/10

LordDemonX 8/10

Hunter Kid 0/10

Åŵ§ØМŊʧ§ Đ∑™ 0/10

Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's 0/10

Xazeon 0/10

Muluck 0/10

Raze 0/10

Ðominant Ðaco 8/10 ©

MegasEvo 0/10

insonic 0/10

♥ RåŝρӀӞ℮ᴙʀɣ−ɴɨɨ−ƈħåɴ ♥ 0/10

iƤôď™ 0/10

Ramanga 0/10

I like Girls 0/10

Agent_P 0/10

Darkfire717 0/10

Smeargle 0/10

Shadow Plasma 0/10

Blackfire717 0/10

Daily News 0/10

.:~D-4~:. 0/10

We currently have 39 members.

NOTE: I will only update your name if you are active in this club.

If you are active, and wish for your name to be edited, PM me.


[spoiler=Rank up]

You rank up with points.

1 star: Join.

2 star: 10 points.

3 star: 30 points.

4 star: 80 points.

5 star: 200 points.

6 star: 500 points.




Points are gained by doing the following things:

Posting cards

Making Banners

Making GFX creations

Posting sets

Being helpful

Because I feel like it

Being nice

Being active

Putting a banner into your sig

Points for cards:

A: 10 points

B: 8 points

C: 6 points

D: 4 points

E: 2 points

F: 0 points


A: 20

B: 16

C: 12

D: 8

E: 4

F: 0

Sets need at least 5 cards.


A: 10

B: 8

C: 6

D: 4

E: 2

F: 0

Only 5 card, 1 set and 3 GFXes a day, please.



[spoiler=Money Points]

Money Points are to buy things in the club.

You get money points for the same reasons as Club Points.


[spoiler=Money Points Shop]

Not much here yet, but:

Club Points: 10 Money Points for 1.

Gold Stickers for cards: 8 Points each,

Gold Rares: 20 Points each.

Will add more things, if you have any ideas, tell me.


[spoiler=Special Days]

12th January, 18th March, 29th June, 10th September, 1st December = Rep for joining days.

On these days, and on these days only, you will get a rep for joining.

More days soon.


[spoiler=1on1 Network]

If you want a Club Iron 1on1, PM me, and I will advertise your name here. If someone else wants a 1on1, PM me, and you will 1on1 the 1st person on the list.

Prizes for a Club iron 1on1 MUST be 3 reps, 50 Club Points and 3 Money Points for the winner. I will host Club Iron 1on1s.

People wanting a 1on1:




[spoiler=Featured Threads]

To get your thread featured, PM the thread link and I will decide if it is good enough to be featured. If I deny it, it is denied, any arguing will result in a 2*.


[spoiler=Club Quiz]

Sometimes, I will just randomly ask random questions, and the first one to answer them gets 10 Club Points and 5 money points.



You get reps for:

Making a banner - 1 rep

Getting an A on a set - 1 rep

Posting 100 times - 1 rep

Posting 200 times - 2 reps



You get warnings for the following things (asterisks mean how much you get warned, 5 warnings=kicked out)

Mild Spamming *

Intentional Spamming**

Serious Spamming (just posting edffhfh or something) ****

Flaming Cards or GFXes ***

Starting a flame war ****

Taking part in a flame war **

Cheating in club contests *****

Warning: I will give these out quite easily.



[spoiler=Warned users]




Card Contest Holders:



Ðominant Ðaco

To be a contest holder, you must be able to do at least 1 club contest every 4 months. To apply, PM me. I will decide if you are accepted. You will get 20 Club Points a month.

GFX Contest holders:

Dog King



Same as above, just with GFX contests.

Card Contest leader will have a © next to their name, GFX contest a (G)


I will add more things if this club gets a lot of people.

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