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The YCM League of Renowned Duelists


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Dont Lie. What do you need help with?


@Cliff: I like the deck, but when I said Anti-meta casters I should have said Secret village casters. Ill post what I have in a momment


Chaos Sorceror x2

Kycoo x3

Breaker x3

Injection Fairy Lilly x2

Lyla x3

Ryko x2

Exemplar x2


Secret Village of Spellcasters x2


Allure x2

Recharge x2

Book Of Moon x2

Magical Dimension x3





Solidarity x2


Oppression x2

Bottomless x2

Mirror Force



Its not a lot right now, thats why Im looking for additions and fixes. I reaaaaaaly want to add another draw engine, but I cant seem to find one that fits beside arcane barrier.

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I make tons of decks. I'm not even creative anymore - IRL, I've been building meta stuff (Vayu, Volcanic Monarchs, etc.) but everything turns out horribly inconsistent. People tell me the deck looks great - then I play it out and it doesn't work.

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*is sad that his Evil Hero deck isn't getting much review*


Malevolent League, UNITE!!! [40]


Monsters: [18]


1| Card Trooper

2| Elemental Hero Clayman

2| Elemental Hero Prisma

1| Elemental Hero Stratos

2| Evil Hero Infernal Gainer

2| Evil Hero Malicious Edge

3| Koa'ki Meiru Guardian

1| Morphing Jar

1| Snipe Hunter

3| The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion


Spells: [15]


1| Card Destruction

2| Hand Destruction

1| Heavy Storm

3| Dark Calling

1| Dark Fusion

2| E - Emergency Call

1| Lightning Vortex

2| My Body as a Shield

1| Reinforcement of the Army

1| Swords of Revealing Light


Traps: [7]


2| Bottomless Trap Hole

1| Call of the Haunted

2| Magic Drain

1| Mirror Force

1| Torrential Tribute


Extra Deck:


3| Evil Hero Dark Gaia

2| Evil Hero Infernal Sniper

2| Evil Hero Lightning Golem

2| Evil Hero Malicious Fiend

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Lightning Golem ftw' date=' would you rather me run Sparky? Atleast Clayman gives a decent defense, +800 ATK isn't enough for me to change to Sparky :?[hr']

-2 Magic Drain

-1 SoRL


+3 something (I'm tired)


Sounds good' date=' but I'm not sure what +3 I should do...


+1 Hand Destruction

+1 MBaaS

+1 ???


That sound good?[hr']


*DELBLETED to keep secret :3*


Edit: The reason I am posting the deck here is because I don't want it to go wide spread. I really want to post it in the Your Deck section, but Net Deckers = Bad T.T and I don't want this net decked without my permission, I'm sure you can all understand that and appreciate the awesomness this idea may become.

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Oh arkel.


That was you :/


Sorry I erected you because I had no idea who you were my bad.


...was that a deliberate gay joke, or a legit typo?


@DAZ: Test it and get back to us.


EDIT: I just wanna confirm a few things before I randomly start requesting peeps on FB.


Oliee = Pizza

Mathew = ?

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Oh arkel.


That was you :/


Sorry I erected you because I had no idea who you were my bad.


...was that a deliberate gay joke' date=' or a legit typo? [b']Both?[/b]


@DAZ: Test it and get back to us.


Will do, and is that for the Malevolent League or Frigid Destiny? Anyone up for a test on YVD or DMU? If you are, just PM me, I need a few minutes to set them up

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