eyeofthedeck Posted September 13, 2009 Report Share Posted September 13, 2009 I had this idea for a fic inbetween GT and Z but then I remembered that GT isn't actually canon (Meaning, it's not actually part of the real series, it's fake) because Akira Toriyama didn't have anything to do with it. So I decied that because it's not canon I would do an alternate GT that has nothing to do with GT. Dosn't make much sense, I know! Anyway, I finished the Prologue. [spoiler=Episodes] [spoiler=Prologue] “Dexter! Heere boy! Ah maid yu’re favy’rite food; Chikhen schnitzehl!” A short and stubby balding man was calling to his lost dog that had ran away less than half an hour ago. “He had to run away in theh middleh of theh night, didn’t he?” The old man wasn’t scared, but he thought that night was a dangerous time to be out in the country. There could be a dangerous beast or some bandits on the loose, looking for treasured things to steal. Swoosh! “What was that? Who’s there? Ahm not afrayd to show off mah Kung Foo skills!” The man wasn’t bluffing. For the past few years he had been learning Kung Fu after some Bandits almost got away scot-free with his most valuable possessions. It turns out that those Kung Fu skills would be very useful indeed, for a tall, dark and muscly figure was standing right behind him. The figure was at least twice the man’s size, and also at least 15 times musclier. The figure stepped into the moonlight. A possible onlooker might be able to see him properly now. He had long black hair that fell below his shoulders. His eyes were blue; he was wearing no shirt and a cloth covering his crotch. His lips were upturned in a malicious smile. The figure punched the aging man in the back. He went flying about seven meters away. He quickly kicked back up to his feet and took on a threatening fighting stance. “Who ahr yew and why have yew cum’ heere?” The man asked him suspiciously. “I’m Brio, and I’ve come for the Dragonballs. WHERE ARE THEY?!” The mysterious man yelled in a gruff voice. “They aren’t heere, so leave mey alohne!” The man yelled at him. “I’ll just beat the information out of you then!” Brio shouted before charging straight at the man, way too fast for him to see. Brio’s shoulder connected with the man’s chest, sending him 10 meters away. Brio continued to pursue him and punched him before he even landed. The man got back up, sporting a determined look on his face. He charged at Brio and roundhouse kicked him in the jaw. Brio didn’t flinch or anything. The man continued his merciless attack on the man that assaulted him but to no avail. Brio was letting every move connect and none of them were dazing him. Finally the man retreated, exhausted. “MY TURN!” Brio shouted as he charged and head-butted the man square in the chest. The man only just managed to stand his ground. Brio reacted quickly and followed the attack through with a punch square to the temple of the man. “Are you ready for round 2, old man?” Brio mocked the aging man that stood before him. “Ahm not shure,” the old man was huffing just from the first few seconds of battle with this mysterious stranger. “’Coz here it comes!” Brio shouted as he charged at the old man. Brio did 2 quick roundhouse kicks together, chained them into an uppercut which sent the man in the air a bit. Brio jumped up, using the force of the uppercut to jump higher and kneed the old man in the spine. The old man fell down with Brio pursuing, occasionally throwing in some punches and a kick. The old man somehow got back up and charged at Brio. He was throwing punches and kicks without even concentrating hard; he was only concentrating on defending himself from any incoming blows. So far, all Brio was doing was blocking and dodging the man’s attacks. Brio finally interrupted the man’s aggressive spurt and winded the old man with a blow to the gut. The old man was struggling for just a small gasp of air; he couldn’t breathe. By the time he managed to get his breath back, it was too late. Brio punched him clean in the jaw. The result was an unpleasant cracking sound. Brio followed it through seamlessly with a knee to the sternum, followed by a kick to the left shoulder blade. Brio then thrust his knee into the shoulder blade of the old man and pulled on the arm connected to the shoulder, forming a very painful submission hold. The old man struggled, fought and everything else he could think of, but nothing worked. “Will you tell me the location of the Dragonballs now?” Brio asked threateningly. “Nevah, I swore to Gokoo that ah would never reveal their locaytion to anyone!” The old man was doing well at keeping his promise. “Since I now know you DO know the location of the dragonballs, I will beat you to a bloody pulp unless you tell me where they are!” Brio was desperate for the Dragonballs. “I will not tell yew!” The old man said. Brio kicked the old man in the temple, turned the movement into a knee to the gut and finished it off with an elbow to the nose. The old man staggered back, then jumped up unexpectedly and booted Brio square in the nose. Brio winced. “You startled me. BUT NOT ENOUGH!!!!!” Brio screamed as he grabbed the still stationary old man’s leg and threw him. Brio pursued him and kneed him in the temple. “Ah’ve had enuff!” The old man shouted. “Ah’ll tell yew where the Dragonballs are. The last Ah knew, they were in Kami’s Lookout!” The old man surrendered. “Then it’s Kami’s Lookout I seek,” Brio said. “By the way I have a small question; WHO THE HEYLL AHR YEW!?” The old man shouted. “I’m Brio, son of Broly!” Brio replied to the old man’s question before jumping up into the air and flying off. [spoiler=chapter 2 preview] The Guardian was sitting on his chair, watching his crystal ball, trying to find out a way to solve all of the Earth’s struggles. Suddenly, the Guardian shot up. “Something’s telling me to go outside if I want the Dragonballs to not fall into the hands of evil,” the Guardian thought. He rushed outside and standing there, was Brio. “I’ve come for the Dragonballs!” He shouted. “You’ll never get them!” The Guardian shouted back. “I was born to protect them; I’m the Guardian of Earth!” The Guardian started explaining. “I will put my life on the line to ensure that the Earth is safe!” The Guardian went on. “I’ll beat you for them,” Brio was desperate for them. He wanted to avenge his father. Brio rushed forward and punched the Guardian square in the chest, following the movement through into a knee to the jaw. The Guardian quickly retaliated with several punches to the sternum followed by a knee to the face. Brio grabbed the Guardian by the throat and drove his head into the stone tiles that had been laid there centuries ago. The Guardian got back up and backed away. He then started shooting ki blasts out of his hands, all aimed away from Brio, and then with one clapping motion of his hands, they all came towards Brio. Brio deflected them all back at the Guardian, his own blasts stunning him. “EVIL IMPACT!” Brio shouted. He started charging an attack in both hands. The ki was green and shaped like the sun; a big ball with energy around it. He powered the attack up a bit more before throwing it at the Guardian. The Guardian stretched his hands out to try and catch the attack. The attack connected with the Guardian’s hands. The Guardian couldn’t deflect it. it exploded, wounding the Guardian. The Guardian got back up and found Brio charging at him. The Guardian reacted quickly with a ki pulse that hit Brio in the face. It didn’t daze him. Before the Guardian could charge up another one, Brio was upon him. Several punches and kicks to the sternum, followed by seven speedy elbows to the back, followed by a punch to the chest. The Guardian managed to interrupt Brio’s attacks and started retaliating. Brio and the Guardian slowly started rising high into the air, exchanging blows faster than the speed of sound. Brio saw a big gap in the Guardian’s defences and took a chance; leaving himself defenceless, Brio kneed the Guardian in the sternum, then clamped both his fists together and hammered them into the back of the Guardian’s head, sending him crashing down to the floor of the lookout. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scissors Posted September 13, 2009 Report Share Posted September 13, 2009 Wow. Can I help?I have a question.Is this still about Goku and Gohan and all them or is this after they're all dead?oh yeah and I is 10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eyeofthedeck Posted September 13, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 13, 2009 Quote Wow. Can I help?I have a question.Is this still about Goku and Gohan and all them or is this after they're all dead?oh yeah and I is 10 This is about the Z Warriors and is based only a couple years after Z. Also, GT doesn't exist in this universe. You can actually help me because future chapters will be longer. You are 10, I'm eleven. 1 year difference but I'm almost twelve. December FTW. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scissors Posted September 14, 2009 Report Share Posted September 14, 2009 Okay. So let's get working on the story. How about we take turns. Each of us do one chapter at a time.Chapter 2:Meanwhile,"Hyah! Hyah! Gotcha' Goten." "Now I've got you, Trunks! Ka-Me-Ha-Me-HAAAAAAAA!!!!" "Aaaaaaahhh!!" Trunks dodged it and jumped into the air "FINISH...""Oh no! SUPER KA-ME-HA-ME...""BUSTER!!!""HAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!"There was a humongous explosion."Whoa!!" yelled the announcer, "That is one of the biggest explosions ever to be recorded in the Tenkaichi Budokai!!""Go, Goten!" cheered Gohan from the stands. "Hey, who's that?" Gohan thought to himself as he saw a figure flying far away. "Hmm. I'll go see." Gohan thought as he blasted off faster than lightning."Hey, Vegeta, where do you think Gohan's going in the middle of this match?" asked Goku."How am I supposed to know? Shut up and watch watch the match.""Okay, whatever you sa- Whoa! Look!" Gohan was plummeting downward, as he had just been hit by the mysterious figure."I'm gonna' go see whats going on. Super Saiyan 3!!" Goku transformed into Super Saiyan 3 and blasted off towards Gohan. Moments later, Gohan turned into Super Saiyan 2 and continued the fight. Both Gohan and Goku were batted down easily again."You are mere flies compared to my power." The figure shot a ki blast down and destroyed the stadium. Luckily, Trunks and Goten barely dodged it. "Stop that!" yelled Goku, "Who are you? Why are you doing that?""I am Brio, son of Broly. I've come for the Dragonballs!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eyeofthedeck Posted September 14, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 14, 2009 No, I've actually planned the series out and the next episode is in Kami's Lookout. I've planned out the whole Broly's Son saga and it comes to a total of 30 episodes including the prologue. Hm, maybe you can come up with ideas for future plots. I've planned out about 5 arcs including this one. If you could come up with more ideas, that would be great. PM me if you have something else you would like to say. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eyeofthedeck Posted September 15, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 15, 2009 BUMP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scissors Posted September 15, 2009 Report Share Posted September 15, 2009 So when are you gonna' post more chapters? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eyeofthedeck Posted September 16, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 16, 2009 I'm working on chapter 2. If you want, I could send you a PM of what I've got so far even though it's not much. Also, do you have any saga ideas yet? You will get reps for every saga you come up with! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scissors Posted September 16, 2009 Report Share Posted September 16, 2009 okay. hmm... how about a race called the Infinities invade Earth. All of their names are numbers. Their leader's name is Googol. How about it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eyeofthedeck Posted September 16, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 16, 2009 Quote okay. hmm... how about a race called the Infinities invade Earth. All of their names are numbers. Their leader's name is Googol. How about it? nice idea, but next time could you PM me the idea? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scissors Posted September 17, 2009 Report Share Posted September 17, 2009 OK!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eyeofthedeck Posted September 17, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 17, 2009 Adding Seak Preview f second chapter after school. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scissors Posted September 19, 2009 Report Share Posted September 19, 2009 It's after school. Where's the chapter? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eyeofthedeck Posted September 19, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 19, 2009 Oh, sorry, forgot. Comin' right up! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EDIT: Preview is up! hope you enjoy it! The fighting is a bit different from the first chapter for 2 reasons. ONE: While writing the first chapter, I (somehow) forgot about ki blasts. TWO: The Guardian is faster than the old man and so they can do classic DBZ-style fast fighting. Anyhow, hope you enjoyed the preview. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eyeofthedeck Posted September 21, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 21, 2009 BUMPage!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scissors Posted September 21, 2009 Report Share Posted September 21, 2009 I'm trying to do my saga, but I have SO MUCH HOMEWORK!!!!! I have 3 ongoing projects, about 2 worksheets every day, and I have to study geography cards. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eyeofthedeck Posted September 22, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 22, 2009 Have you read preview of chapter 2 yet? Do you like? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scissors Posted September 23, 2009 Report Share Posted September 23, 2009 just saw it. want me to get people to join? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eyeofthedeck Posted September 23, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 23, 2009 Just get more people to view. I will decide if I need help later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scissors Posted September 23, 2009 Report Share Posted September 23, 2009 ok! p.s. join kami's tower. it's a forum on yugiohcardmaker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eyeofthedeck Posted September 25, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 25, 2009 I've heard about it by reading your reps. lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scissors Posted October 1, 2009 Report Share Posted October 1, 2009 yeah. you should join. right now we are having a guess who i am DBZ game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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