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Guide to anti-meta Zombies

Tickle Me Emo

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This is a very unique style of zombie build that started seeing play last format over ZDAD, ZombieSwarm, and ZombieSynchro after Card of Safe Return was limited. However this style of zombie is very different from the above 3, as it doesnt share the trait of swarm, it is controlling. This deck is based around the use of Skill Drain and Royal Oppression to stop your opponent from overwhelming you while playing cards that work around the above. I did not create this idea, and I do not take credit for it, but I have spent a lot of time working at it to perfect it, and have a lot of experience with it.



[spoiler=Monsters to play]


[spoiler=Malevolent Mech - Goku En]


This is your "boss" monster. This deck is pretty much based around this guy due to the fact that he is a 2400 0-tribute monster. Searchable via Pyramid Turtle.


Run 3.




This is good for bringing back your Mech but its not amazing due to Oppression. It activates in the graveyard so it works around Skill Drain.


Run 0-2.


[spoiler=Paladin of the Cursed Dragon]


A beatstick that is Honestable and isnt hurt by Skill Drain, its great in here.


Run at 2 or 3.


[spoiler=Plaguespreader Zombie]


This guy isnt always played, its mostly just a option for a synchroing ability. Its not recommended to go either 0 or 1 with this guy, its just prefrence. Personally I play 1 because it just gives me more options.


Run at 0 or 1.


[spoiler=Pyramid Turtle]


This is another main stream zombie. Pyramid Turtle searches out your all-so-important Goku-En, your Mezuki, your Ryu Kokki if required, maybe your goblin zombie... nah not him. Best part is he goes through both Skill Drain and Royal Oppression.


Run 3.


[spoiler=Ryu Kokki]


This is more of tech than main story monster. His only real purpose is to give off the middle finger to the big synchros known as Colossal Fighter and Goyo Guardian.


Run at 0 or 1.


[spoiler=Zombie Master]


This guy is just your generic revival zombie. I play one just as a just in case thing.


Run at 0 or 1.




[spoiler=Other monsters you can play]



Other most important card of the deck, this is basically a trump card. This makes Mech so deadly and gets around Skill Drain, so long as you dont summon it.


Run at 3.


[spoiler=Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter]


This as always been good tech in zombies due to their low supply of "RAWR IM A BIG DRAGON THAT MAKES FIELD GO BOOM!!!". However in this deck its not as good as Skill Drain makes this nearly useless.


Run at 0 or 2.




Searches out Pyramid Turtle and Honest, among other things, its a must have.


Run at 1.


[spoiler=Thunder King Rai-Oh]


A 1-shot Oppression that is Honestable is never bad in here. Im not sure how its anti-search will work this format but its still never a bad thing. His second effect works through Skill Drain, making him more than a beatstick. Cant keep him out.


Run at 2-3.








Before I begin this section please know that many spells that can be played are splashable into almost any deck and most of which will not be mentioned. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Book of Moon
  • Enemy Controller
  • Giant Trunade
  • Heavy Storm
  • Lightning Vortex
  • Mystical Space Typhoon

Feel free to suggest spells and I may add them to the following list or to this one, depending on whether and explination is in order in my opinion.


[spoiler=Allure of Darkness]


A lot of Light Zombie builds will play a lot of darks, such as Ryu Kokki, Zombie Master, Plaguespreader Zombie, etc. Personally I know I have like 6 or 7 darks. You might be tempted to throw in Allure of Darkness for extra speed. Im not going to say dont, but I wouldnt as its risky. However if you want a Twilight variant go ahead.


Run 0 or 2.


[spoiler=Book of Life]


Many people are going to ask "Why did you bother giving an explination for this, the zombie revival spell?" Well thats simple, because I dont advise playing it. You can play this over Mezuki and Zombie Master if you choose but this deck doesnt use revival much. Mezuki and Zombie Master should be it, but these are also good. Its up to personal prefrense.


Run 0-2.


[spoiler=Cold Wave]


This is always a fun card, and it works in here as it does not negate Skill Drain, but it does, unfortunately negate Royal Oppression. Its best use would be right before you ram your Pyramid Turtle and make it a Magestic Mech - Goku En.


Run 0.


[spoiler=Creature Swap]


I personally have never tried using this, but a lot of people teched this into ZombieSwarm for Pyramid Turtle. If someone who has experience in Light Zombies has tried this, let me know. For now Im going to say...


Run 0-3.


[spoiler=Pot of Avarice]


Usually I advice against deck thickening but in this deck Pot of Avarice has a great purpose. Not only does it help restore hand advantage which is always good but it does fatten your deck with your Honests along with maybe a Pyramid Turtle or Magestic Mech - Goku En.


Run 0-2.


[spoiler=Zombie World]


This card should only be played if you want to use Book of Life or Mezuki or Zombie Master to revive and reuse your Honests. However in my opinion Pot of Avarice does that better.


Run 0.




This is incomplete. Traps will be added either tomorrow or Wednesday, because I am working tomorrow and dont know if Ill have time.


If you got suggestions on cards that should be aded Ill post em up and tell why or why not they work. I know i didnt cover every posibility cause its late and Im tired.


Submitted by Dark Armed Zombie

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