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Dungeon Dice Archetype


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Dice Dungeon

[Field Spell]

Monsters can only battle with monsters in the same column. Once, during a player's respective Main Phase, they can move 1 "DDM" monster they control to an adjacent unoccupied zone. During the Battle Phase, when a "DDM" monster attacks, only Spell or Traps in the same column can be activated. When a "DDM" monster is destroyed, place Crest Counters on this card equal to it's level /2.


DDM - The 13th Grave [DARK]



If you control "Dice Dungeon", tribute this monster to destroy 1 card in the same column as this monster.

ATK/1200 DEF/0


DDM - Yaranzo [DARK]



Discard 1 monster card to distribute Crest Counters to face-up cards on the field equal to that monster's level.

ATK/ 1800 DEF/ 1500


DDM - Blast Lizard [FIRE]



Select 1 monster on the field. Remove Crest Counters on your side of the field equal to that monster's level, and destroy that monster. This card cannot attack the turn you use this effect.

ATK/ 1000 DEF/ 2000


DDM - Dark Assailant [DARK]



Remove from play 6 Crest Counters from your side of the field to add 1 "Crest" card from your Deck to your Hand. Once per turn, you can select 1 monster on the field, and remove Crest Counters from your side of the field equal to that monster's level /2. That monster cannot attack, and it's effect(s) is negated.

ATK/ 1700 DEF/ 1700


DDM - Strike Ninja [DARK]



Once per turn, you can move 1 "DDM" monster you control to an unoccupied zone adjacent to it. If there are no other cards in this monster's column, it cannot be destroyed by card effects.

ATK/1700 DEF/1200


DDM - Knight of Twin Swords [LIGHT]



During the Battle Phase, you can move this card to an adjacent zone by removing 1 Crest Counter from your side of the field. When this card destroys a monster as a result of battle, it can attack again in a row.

ATK/ 2300 DEF/ 1800


DDM - Thunder Ball [DARK]



Once per turn, discard 1 card to destroy all other cards in this monster's column.

ATK/ 2000 DEF/ 2000


DDM - Mighty Mage [DARK]



This monster is unaffected by the effects of "Dice Dungeon". When this card destroys a monster as a result of battle, destroy 1 Spell or Trap card your opponent controls.

ATK/2500 DEF/2100


DDM - Orgoth the Relentless [EARTH]



This card gains these effects, depending on how many different "Crest" cards are in your Graveyard.

●1+: This card inflicts Piercing damage.

●2+: When this card destroys a monster as a result of battle, destroy 1 card on the field.

●3+: When this card would be destroyed, remove from play 2 "Crest" cards in your Graveyard instead.

●4+: Once per turn, your opponent randomly discards 1 card.

●5+: Your opponent conducts their Draw Phase after their Battle Phase, instead.

●6+: Double the original ATK and DEF of this card.

ATK/ 3000 DEF/ 2950


Summoning Crest

[Ritual Spell]

This card is used to Ritual Summon "DDM - Orgoth the Relentless" from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard. You must also Tribute monsters from the field or your hand whose total Levels equal 8 or more.


Movement Crest - Warp Vortex

[Quick-Play Spell]

Select 1 "DDM" monster you control, and your opponent selects 1 monster they control. Switch control of those monsters, and distribute Crest Counters on face-up cards on the field equal to the level of the monster you selected.


Magic Crest - Dimension Dice

[Normal Spell]

Select 1 "DDM" monster in your Graveyard. Remove Crest Counters on your side of the field equal to it's level, and Special Summon it.


Trap Crest - Exploding Disc

[Normal Trap]

Activate when a monster declares an attack against a "DDM" monster you control. Destroy the attacking monster and inflict damage to the opponent equal to it's ATK.


Attack Crest - Monster Cannon

[Equip Spell]

The equipped monster is unaffected by the effect of "Dice Dungeon". As long as you control "Dice Dungeon", when the equipped monster would be destroyed, you can send this card to the Graveyard and destroy 1 card your opponent controls, instead.


Defense Crest - Gardna Shield

[Counter Trap]

Negate the activation of a Spell Card, Trap Card, or Effect Monster's effect that targets a face-up "DDM" monster, and destroy that card.

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