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emaG sdrawkcaB klaT

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!Em morf siht elots ouy!

!Aedi ym saw sdrawkcab gniklat!


Anyway, you got it wrong. The capital letter is at the end of the word, so Game becomes Emag, not emaG. All punctuation is at the begining AND end (Unless Question Mark, which is upside down. And commas.) Commas are usually Hi, - Ih, or commas can be Hi, - .Ih/^Ih


Tisk Tisk. But I forgive you. Then there's mirror form, which takes on a completely different aspect...

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  'Golden Light said:

!Em morf siht elots ouy!

!Aedi ym saw sdrawkcab gniklat!


Anyway' date=' you got it wrong. The capital letter is at the end of the word, so Game becomes Emag, not emaG. All punctuation is at the begining AND end (Unless Question Mark, which is upside down. And commas.) Commas are usually Hi, - Ih, or commas can be Hi, - .Ih/^Ih


Tisk Tisk. But I forgive you. Then there's mirror form, which takes on a completely different aspect...


1) .siht enod s'esle ybodyna taht wonk t'ndid I

2) .uoy ot pu si ti od uoy revewoh tub, siht ekil emag ym od I

3) .nuf s'ti taht eerga ot evah uoy tuB

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