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Hirikiri Inaghe

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I was accepted through PM but it's near midnight so I'll post tomorrow. This is just so the others know of my character.

Here's my app for my guy:

[spoiler=App]Name: Taro Matsui


Gender: Male


Orginazation/Rank(Akatsuki,Inaghe,Anbu): Anbu





Personality(Atleast 2 seentences): Taro is a rather quiet man who does whatever he can to stop those who he fells need judged, no matter what the cost. He doesn't have much of a sense of humor and has been known to be emotionless.


Jutsu element: Water


Weapons(Limit 5): A shortsword, flash and smoke bombs


Crush/In relationship with: Nobody.


Bio(At least 3 sentences): As a young boy his family trained him in harsh conditions to try and make him one of the best ninjas around but despite his training, his family also caused Taro to have a deep distrust of his fellow man. When he reached 23, he joined the Anbu and in his first mission his squad was ambushed and in the fight 3 men were lost and Taro killed his attackers wthout flinching, earning him an infamous reputation with his village. 4 years later he was considered one of the most dangerous assassins in the village who is said to ahve no emotions at all.


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