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Hirikiri Inaghe

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Hirikiri laughs slightly and says,"The reason my brother is like that is becouse he whas trained to be a hostile killing machine by our foster parents.IM like this becouse they trained me to be aleader not an assassine." Hirikri smiles as he keeps walking and then says,"Carnage wasa actually a cute baby believe it or not." Hirikiri hands him a picture of a baby.


Carnaje hears Ira's concerned voice and says,"IM ok im just going to kill Hirikri when he gets back is all." Carnaje laughs a little and walks out the bathroom and sets at the table.


Carnge looks at her and says,"IM not he same way i kill becouse its my way of Surviving its how i was trained sinse i was 6 years old." Carnage looks away from her nd startst o go faster.

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Hirikiri laughs even harder and says,"Yea it is and this is me." Hirikri hands him a picture of a baby with a kunai in his hand. Then Hirikiri looks at another picture for a long tim.He goes quit and stares atit.(Its Carnaje)


Carnaje laughs and sasy,"Thats true i dont think i could kill him anyway allthough he would lay a hand on me."

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Hirikri takes the picture without looking and puts it away without taking his eyes off the picture of Carnaje.


Carnage laughs then says,"I only remember becouse thats when i killed my first person." Carnage then slows down a little and says, "to me its fun its like hunting."


Carnaje laughs and says, "You know something this baby will carry on the inaghe if Hirkiri and Carnage died so i guess its not that bad."

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OOC: thanks.


zidane stopped and looked around.

"damn, i'm lost, as much as i hate to admit it..." zidane looked around again and realized he was only lost in a familiar palce.

"i know this woods... headquarters is around here somewhere...." zidane walked over to a tree and climbed to the top of it. he got there an looked around. seeing the signs of base, he headed that way.

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Hirikri looks at him and says,"Why you think ive been acting how im acting."


Carnaje smiles and says,"Both of them will train this babby probably once he hits 6 or 7 years old there family is strict."


Carnage tops suddenly and says,"Stop right now." He stepped back threw a kunai and a trap went off. His face turned grim as he said,"I think they know were coming unless this is just a procautuionary trap."

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Ooc arent you an akatsuki? Golnax were Inaghe What org are you in bad stinky i forgot?


Hirikri looks at him and says,"I feel like somethings going wrong at the base." Hirikri says. Then he looks back towards the base and says, "I hope there ok."


Carnaje says,"THey are very strict thats why there elite ninjas."

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OOC: join.


zidane got inside and locked the doors, just in case. hem ade some hand signs and made some ink clones.

"lock all of hte doors and windows, now," said zidane to them. they nodded and ran off to do thier job. zidane himself walked over to a seat and sat on it.

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