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Ask Skippy a Question | Unearth the Unkown of Sκιρρу • Cаnоe

Skippy Canoe

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What is your mother's name?

Do you live in a box on the side of a highway (or alley, I don't judge)?



What is your opinion on me? You're very kind. I like your personality' date=' and consider you as one of my friends. ^_^[/b']


Favorite food?' I don't have one. ^_^ Anything that is Brown, Beige, Crispy, or is a Shade of Yellow.


Do you like my new avi? (It's my old avi, in a mosaic stone form! :P artsy, right? I actually really like it. ^_^



^I know the above because I'm his cousin, trust me...

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What is your real name? I don't have one of those.


What is your mother's name? Queen Latifah

Do you live in a box on the side of a highway (or alley' date=' I don't judge)? [b']Yes, but I have my own box, and don't have to share with my mom. It has a comp and everything![/b]



What is your opinion on me? You're very kind. I like your personality' date=' and consider you as one of my friends. ^_^[/b']


Favorite food?' I don't have one. ^_^ Anything that is Brown, Beige, Crispy, or is a Shade of Yellow.


Do you like my new avi? (It's my old avi, in a mosaic stone form! :P artsy, right? I actually really like it. ^_^



^I know the above because I'm his cousin, trust me...

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Hey' date=' Skippy...


Do I have any sort of terminal disease? You tell me.


I knew a guy named Hoppy Canoe... any relation? No. Just a cheap knockoff.


Is it true that Burt Reynolds lives in your cellar? No, he lives in my attic.






Are you aware that I'm underneath your bed as we speak? Uh... My bed doesn't stand on legs' date=' so there is no underneath my bed.

(Something bit me terribly...)


Are you wearing socks atm? No.


What would you do if your mom got her name changed from Queen Latifah to Chuck Norris? I'd hit her with a tennis racket.

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My reflection? That's mean... Yes.


Why do cats have to die? Because you put them in the garbage disposal 9 times.


On the scale from 19.3 to -2 times 57 plus the number of warts in the sky' date=' how immortal are you? [b']855.[/b]


Why have you betrayed lemons everywhere with your new avi? It's random rotating, there's still a lemon it it. It won't soon. I didn't betray lemons, I found someone else. Birdramon. ^_^


Port-o'-Johns pwn, do they not? No, I prefer indoor plumbing.

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