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Use an origional Deck


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This theme has no win condition, all cards have 0ATK/DEF, no burn and no ATK boosting effects. If you want to win with them, you have to add the win condition in yourself, be creative.

Also, it uses a Ritual Boss Monster. Because I don't think a single theme does that. And it should.


|Tempus Temporioum, Eye of the Crystal Seers|

|Psychic/Ritual/LIGHT|Level 1|ATK 0|DEF 0|

|This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "End of Time". Once per turn, declare the name of a card and pick up the top card of your opponent's Deck. If the card is the card who's name you declared, return it to the bottom of your opponent's Deck and they skip their next draw phase. You cannot activate this effect if the top card of your opponent's Deck is face-up. Either player can discard their hand to shuffle their Deck during either player's turn.|


|End of Time|

|Ritual Spell|

|This card is used to Ritual Summon "Tempus Temporioum, Eye of Stillness". You must also offer "Crystal Seer" monsters as a Tribute whose total Levels equal 1 or more from the field or your hand.|


|Diamond Crystal Seer, Par Parillis|

|Psychic/EARTH|Level 6|ATK 0|DEF 0|

|This card cannot be destroyed as a result of battle. If a monster battles this card, that monster's ATK becomes 0 during the Damage Step only. During your End Phase, destroy 1 "Crystal Seer" monster in your Deck or destroy this card.|


|Golden Crystal Seer, Promptu Poneris|

|Psychic/LIGHT|Level 5|ATK 0|DEF 0|

|If this card was Tribute Summoned by tributing a "Crystal Seer" monster, during your End Phase destroy 1 "Crystal Seer" monster in your Deck to return 1 card on the field to the top of the owner's Deck. Then turn your opponent's Deck upside down.| (think Convulsion of Nature)


|Silver Crystal Seer, Repeto Reditus|

|Psychic/WIND|Level 4|ATK 0|DEF 0|

|When a "Crystal Seer" monster is declared as an attack target you can return 1 card on your opponent's side of the field, other than the attacking monster, to the top of your opponent's Deck, then turn your opponent's Deck upside down. When this card is destroyed, you turn your opponent's Deck upside-down or remove from play this card.|


|Sapphire Crystal Seer, Congelos Confuto|

|Psychic/WATER|Level 3|ATK 0|DEF 0|

|While you control a "Crystal Seer" monster, destroy 1 "Crystal Seer" monster in your Deck to discard this card and end the Battle Phase. When this card is destroyed, unless it was destroyed as a result of battle, select any number of monsters on the field and change them to Defence Position.|


|Ruby Crystal Seer, Aduro Accelero|

|Psychic/FIRE|Level 3|ATK 0|DEF 0|

|Destroy 1 "Crystal Seer" monster in your Deck to discard this card and destroy a face-down card on the field. When this card is destroyed, select any number of monsters on the field and change them to Defence Position.|


|Emerald Crystal Seer, Fascino Forca|

|Psychic/WIND|Level 3|ATK 0|DEF 0|

|During the End Phase a turn during which neither player Summoned or set a monster, discard this card to skip your opponent's next draw phase. When this card is destroyed, pay 1000 Life Points to look at your opponent's hand and discard 1 Spell Card from their hand.|


|Glass Crystal Seer, Quaero Quonsto|

|Psychic/WIND|Level 3|ATK 0|DEF 0|

|When this card is destroyed, you destroy 1 "Crystal Seer" monster in your Deck or add 1 "End of Time" or "Tempus Temporioum, Eye of the Crystal Seers" from your Deck to your hand or remove from play this card.|


|Topaz Crystal Seer, Exaequo Exletum|

|Psychic/LIGHT|Level 3|ATK 0|DEF 0|

|This card is not destroyed as a result of battle with a monster with equal ATK. When this card declare's an attack, destroy 1 "Crystal Seer" monster in your Deck. You can return a monster this card destroys as a result of battle to the top of your opponent's Deck. When this card is destroyed, select 1 monster on the field and reduce it's ATK to 0 until the End Phase.|


|Moonstone Crystal Seer, Evident Excessis|

|Psychic/DARK|Level 1|ATK 0|DEF 0|

|When this card is destroyed, force your opponent to return 1 card from their Graveyard to the top of their Deck or remove from play this card.|


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