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The YuGiOhHut (Very cheap)


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Hey, MKJ, is there any chance you could get it smaller? It is a bit blurred. Also, I think I know how to do it:

[spoiler= How I think, what I think, and when I think... I think.] Right, just simply right click the banner and click "Save As". Then go to Power Point, and use Word Art for the writing. Then save that onto Paint, and then go to your User Cp. Once there, go to your "Change Avatar" section. Then go on "Browse", select the banner that is saved on Paint and place the code in. Copy the code, then paste it in images to be put in here.


Thats what I think. By the way, I don't think thats Alien Encounter. Besides, could you do something that has like an impact, and no starry patterns if you could, if you can't, use the method above. Thanks, and keep it up, and you might achieve the new rank.

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Orders (including any pics needed):

two Banner's please

Banner 1:





Text:The Emoticon club

Make it look cool but different from the other banner i am ordering



Banner 2





Text:The Emoticon club

Make it look cool but different from the other banner i am ordering




How much does this cost? also if your busy take your time (just dont take a week lol i ordered something in another shop a week ago and then a week later it was cancelled! lol)

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