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The YuGiOhHut (Very cheap)


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user name: Kuri-Hiro

Skill(s):Make HQ AND LQ pokemon splices

no star cards

no attribute cards

sub-type cards

requested payment:20pts for every5 HQ splices

5pts fro every 5:LQ pokemon splices

no star cards

no attribute cards

sub-type cards


thats my application will PM examples

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Hey, MKJ, I actually have an order, not hassling you for my money this time, so here it is.

[spoiler= My Order] Right, I want my avatar put onto this background with tons of Stardust dragon cards on it. And at the far left corner I want the words Oleon in either the font Alien Encounter or any over futuristicy themed font you can find. I'm willing to pay a total of 40-50 points depending how good it is.


Oh yeah, and I want my pay check from Friday. XD

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i would like a banner (its actually more like a sig)


Name: Bakudude (but i want the words on the banner to say

Eevee Cave,

Join now!

Orders (including any pics needed): i want pics of Eevees.i would like it to have these pics (but they don't have to have them all)


Amount of points: ? so ill send 50

Colors: surprize me. :P

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i would like a banner (its actually more like a sig)


Name: Bakudude (but i want the words on the banner to say

Eevee Cave' date='

Join now!

Orders (including any pics needed): i want pics of Eevees.i would like it to have these pics (but they don't have to have them all)


Amount of points: ? so ill send 50

Colors: surprize me. :P


will this work Bakudude, i made this a few weeks ago for my brother



Sry, if it a bit blurry, idk y, but my brother likes it blurry, but otherwise, it a little big, and pluse the cave is suposse to be in the background



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I'll contact him as soon as possible. MKJ, that is an ingenius idea about advertising Stardust Force here. Have you added the animations you bought from me? Also, thanks, I'd like you to do an order for me. I'm taking it as if I get an employee discount, and according to your offer, then its free seeing as I own Stardust Force lol. Right, heres my order. ;)



I want saying in the font: "Alien Encounter" if you have it, Stardust Force. Right, in other words, could you write Stardust Force in the font Alien Encounter.


Thanks, and XANA, I'll tell him he's got an order from you.

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