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The YuGiOhHut (Very cheap)


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Welcome to The YuGiOhHut

When you order please use the forms provided and post your order in this thread. You can order up to 5 items at a time or 10 items if you are a VIP. When I finish your order I will PM the items along with a receipt to you as soon as I can. Please allow at least a day for every item (because of school, sports, family, ECT.). Only one order at a time please. I am sorry that the pictures will be links to imageshack just press the link and save the image. Thank you and enjoy my shop.



Orders (including any pics needed):

Amount of points:



[spoiler=Dark Syncros]chaosdemon.pngw333.png

I can make one that doesn't say /dark syncro/ syncro


[spoiler=Card Recolors]example2q.jpgw333.png


[spoiler=Custom Star Location]starexample.pngw333.png


[spoiler=Custom Sticker Color]stickerexample.pngw333.png


[spoiler=Custom Border Color]borderexample.jpgw333.png













[spoiler=Prices]Dark Syncros: 3 Points VIP:2 Points

Card Recolors: 2 Points VIP:1 Point

Custom Star Location: 3 Points VIP:1 Point

Custom Sticker Color: 1 Point VIP: Free!!

Custom Border Color: 3 Points VIP:1 Point

Banners: 3 Points VIP:1 Point

Avitars: 1 Point VIP: Free!!

Boosters:4 Points VIP: 2 Points

Booster Boxes:5 Points VIP: 3 Points

Holos: 4 Points VIP: 2 Points

Splices: 5 Points VIP: 3 Points


[spoiler=VIP]To become a VIP you have to order 20 Points worth of stuff (ya thats it) when you acheive VIP status I will PM you


[spoiler=Now Hiring]I am as of now hiring employes. If you are interested post on this theard the work you do with examples and the payment you would like to recieve (we will make a deal.) And I retain the right to fire any of my employes if they don't do a good job



[align=center] Now hirring people who can do booster boxes and packs

also all employes are responsible for getting people to go to the store

Also for this week only all items are free if you join stardust force (link is in my sig) and you need to tell oleon4 that I told you about stardust force

Also join my contest

http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-176232.html [/align]

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But slot of other people do that and it is alot of work to move the pic stars and text so if u

have a problem tell me how I can mkae

them better


Study some of the Dark Synchro cards on Wiki (e.g One Hundred Eyes Dragon, but make sure its the Anime image not the OCG image), and follow some of the tuts around in the tutorial section.

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