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DNA Surgery

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Ok so I know DNA Surgery has the effect of changing all the monsters on the field to what you want them to be... Works great if you are trying to get 5 headed Dragon.. My question is with cards like that, Lets say I declare everything a Dragon -Type, when they are destroyed and sent to the Graveyard are they still Dragon-Type or does the effect run out when destroyed? If they do then that works great with Dragon's Mirror..

No one can answer this for me?

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Ok so I know DNA Surgery has the effect of changing all the monsters on the field to what you want them to be... Works great if you are trying to get 5 headed Dragon.. My question is with cards like that' date=' Lets say I declare everything a Dragon -Type, when they are destroyed and sent to the Graveyard are they still Dragon-Type or does the effect run out when destroyed? If they do then that works great with Dragon's Mirror..[hr']

No one can answer this for me?


No, They return to being what they normally were went sent to the graveyard.

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