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Come And Join My New Contest

Alexis Rhodes

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ok here is who are going throught to the next round and the semi-finals fixtures and what you have to make


Sweetlightning v AbbatonStrikers = Abbaton Strikers

Deustodo v Killa210 = Deustodo

Light Diversion v Crystal Ice Mirrors = Light Diversion

Majortim v Spell Master = Spell Master




Spell Master v Abbaton Strikers = Make a Dragon Type Monster

Deustodo v Light Diversion = Make an Equipt Spell or Trap Card


End Date = Saturday 19th September 5:00pm English Time

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my card for semi-finals




[spoiler=lore] You can only equip this card to Fairy-Type monster. Increase the equipped monster's ATK by 500. If the equipped monster is removed from the field except destroyed by battle, destroy this card and inflict 500 damage to your Life Points. If this equipped monster is destroyed by battle, destroy this card and inflict 800 damage to your opponent's Life Points. If this card is in your Graveyard, you can Tribute 1 Fairy-Type monster you control to return this card to your hand.


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This is my card hope you all like it!! Good Luck Spell Master...





This card is also treated as a Thunder-Type monster while face-up on the field. If you Tribute Summon this card by Tributing any of the following monster(s), this card gets the appropriate effect(s): ●"Batteryman AA": Increase the ATK and DEF points of this card by 1000. ●"Batteryman C": Once per turn you can destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field. ●"Batteryman D": Negate 1 attack during your opponent's Battle Phase.


This took me forever to get the dots sorted, bloody things!! last time I do that lol

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Alright AbbatonStrikes, heres your competition!




This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Elemental Mastery". If this card is Special Summoned successfully, Destroy 1 card on the field. This monster cannot attack the same turn on which it was summoned. This card can attack your opponents life points directly by paying 1000 life points. Switched this card to defense position at the End Phase if this card attacked directly. This card cannot change its battle position except by a card effect.


Remember him? He's from my powerful Dragonoid Set, and he is new and improved.

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OK evryone here are the results for the semi-fianls and the card that you have to make for the final :)




Spell Master v Abbaton Strikers = Abbaton Strikers

Deustodo v Light Diversion = Light Diversion ( Hard to chose )



Abbaton Strikers v Light Diversion = Make a monster that cannot be destroyed by battle.


End Date = Sunday 20th September 9:00pm English Time

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Oh come on Im through to the finals!! woop woop...come on...sounds like a cool topic for the last card. And please please please send me my last rep for winning the last compertition Yu-Gi-Oh!! cheers player thanks for another great comp. Ill start work on the card right away.


rep sent now bring on the cards guys :)

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here's my card for finals





[spoiler=lore] This card is cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card is only can be Special Summoned from your hand or Deck by Tributing 1 "La Jinn The Mystical Genie Of The Lamp" and 1 FIRE monster you control. This card is cannot be destroyed by battle. Once per turn, you can Tribute 1 monster you control to inflict 800 damage to your opponent's Life Points. If this card is destroyed and sent to Graveyard, destroy 1 monster on the field and inflict damage equal than half of ATK of the destroyed monster to the controller of the destroyed monster.


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