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Apocalyptic Dragon


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its attack is fine i think i mean if you compare it to five headed dragon and dragon master knight. why does everyone keep saying two tuners isnt right? i mean its a little unorthedoxed yes (not sure how to spell that word) but if you compare it to accel synchros which need monsters that are both synchros and tuners in one, it doesnt really go that far out of bounds. its effect is the only thing i think is over powered about it. and possibly add more of a requirement for non tuners as well, such as 2 tuners and 2 or more non tuners. i dont mind the 2 tuners in fact i think tuners are the easiest monsters in the world to summon. i know i can personally summon 4 tuners in one turn. and its not against the rules as ive looked in plenty of rule books. the only thing about it is that the concept is so new that no one has thought of making a card that requires it. and if your going to go with cant be done then explain dark synchros to me, monsters that are negative level. b4 you critisize work i think you should look at the possibility of the card being viable first. the only reason you all believe that its not good is cause you cant think of ways to actually get it out. and it looks hard but its actually the easiest thing in the world to do. cyber dragon, junk synchron, a level 2 non-tuner, and pleague spreader. done. or if you dont want to waste pleagues effect than get it w/ junk synchron and summon quilbolt hedge hog. realistically speaking this card makes alot of sense, but completely destroying your opponents hand with no cost is the only downside i see to it. and the only thing i think is wrong (besides some grammer and ocg errors). feel free to argue with me, but the fact is that the concept for it was made extremely logical and realistic when they came up with accel synchros. one more thing about the argument you make on its attack. as i first stated, look at five headed dragon and dragon master knight, they are both the same level, the only difference is that they are fusion and he is a synchro. now dont start giving me this synchro vs fusion bullmokey. you all know that his nearly well meet the standards for summoning something that strong. and if you dont then i apologize for thinking like a rational duelist. my verdict is a 7/10, primarily cause the only problem i have is that the effect is too high for a monster and i believe it should need a little higher summoning cost.

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its attack is fine i think i mean if you compare it to five headed dragon and dragon master knight. why does everyone keep saying two tuners isnt right? i mean its a little unorthedoxed yes (not sure how to spell that word) but if you compare it to accel synchros which need monsters that are both synchros and tuners in one' date=' it doesnt really go that far out of bounds. its effect is the only thing i think is over powered about it. and possibly add more of a requirement for non tuners as well, such as 2 tuners and 2 or more non tuners. i dont mind the 2 tuners in fact i think tuners are the easiest monsters in the world to summon. i know i can personally summon 4 tuners in one turn. and its not against the rules as ive looked in plenty of rule books. the only thing about it is that the concept is so new that no one has thought of making a card that requires it. and if your going to go with cant be done then explain dark synchros to me, monsters that are negative level. b4 you critisize work i think you should look at the possibility of the card being viable first. the only reason you all believe that its not good is cause you cant think of ways to actually get it out. and it looks hard but its actually the easiest thing in the world to do. cyber dragon, junk synchron, a level 2 non-tuner, and pleague spreader. done. or if you dont want to waste pleagues effect than get it w/ junk synchron and summon quilbolt hedge hog. realistically speaking this card makes alot of sense, but completely destroying your opponents hand with no cost is the only downside i see to it. and the only thing i think is wrong (besides some grammer and ocg errors). feel free to argue with me, but the fact is that the concept for it was made extremely logical and realistic when they came up with accel synchros. one more thing about the argument you make on its attack. as i first stated, look at five headed dragon and dragon master knight, they are both the same level, the only difference is that they are fusion and he is a synchro. now dont start giving me this synchro vs fusion bullmokey. you all know that his nearly well meet the standards for summoning something that strong. and if you dont then i apologize for thinking like a rational duelist. my verdict is a 7/10, primarily cause the only problem i have is that the effect is too high for a monster and i believe it should need a little higher summoning cost.





While most of these points are valid' date=' it IS possible to make a Synchro using two tuners. I believe the Synchro is an X-Saber, and his Synchro-Material monsters are listed as 1 Tuner and any number of EARTH monsters. Those EARTH monsters can, in fact, be Tuners.


Thank you

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  • 1 year later...

i think i will bump this just to troll :P red nova dragon befits!!! :D ... still a broken ass monster though... considering now with red nova out your monster is kinda a high atk but then this bump is just to troll in faces who said it was impossible to use 2 tuners... red nova dragon!!!! ha ha ha...

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You know, the abilities not bad, but how about you do this:


1 Tuner + 3 or more non-Tuner monsters. When this card is Special Summoned, your opponent discards their hand to the Graveyard. If this card attacks, it loses 500 Attack and gains 300 Defence. Once per turn, if this cards attack is 2000 or lower, you can discard 1 card to have this card gain 500 Attack, until the End Phase. This does not effect the first ability.



Either than that I can see no other problem. :rolleyes:



P.S. Good Job on the picture. Thumbs up :)

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i think it's good. as for all who say two tuners are impossabul, what crack are you smoking? you need tow fro red nova, and it is the same level as this one, and the attack is almost 2000 points higher than this one! one thing i hate is that people don't know how to play what they teach. pisses me off.

dude, 10/10 for art, effect, level, summon conditions, and enough ATK to take out a god card. Kick ASS

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um there are NO cards with lvl 4 and 3000 atk. I checked. also you still can't have Synchro with two Tuners



YES their is. their is 1, but it includes tributing 1 monster to have it gain 1000 attack. it could tribute 2 and have it gain 2000 attack


i think it's good. as for all who say two tuners are impossabul, what crack are you smoking? you need tow fro red nova, and it is the same level as this one, and the attack is almost 2000 points higher than this one! one thing i hate is that people don't know how to play what they teach. pisses me off.

dude, 10/10 for art, effect, level, summon conditions, and enough ATK to take out a god card. Kick ASS



Well said

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i think i will bump this just to troll :P red nova dragon befits!!! :D ... still a broken ass monster though... considering now with red nova out your monster is kinda a high atk but then this bump is just to troll in faces who said it was impossible to use 2 tuners... red nova dragon!!!! ha ha ha...


Just to troll?

Do you realize how badly you just broke the rules?

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I think the official rule in the game of the ATK and DEF limits only to 5000 ATK or DEF, anything higher than that is just too overpowered, when I read the title I expected the effect to be like this: "When this card is summoned, both players loses 4000 Life Points", since the name is Apocalyptic Dragon. 7/10

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