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Who pwned better?


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Self explanatory. Read the above user's pwnage and see if you pwned someone better.


pwned a kid in two (my)turns yesterday.

His turn: Breaker in atk, AG Castle, Face-down.

My turn: Heavy, Allure Dark Horus, DDR Horus, Remove Horus for REDMD, Trade-in White Night Dragon, Play Brain Control take Breaker, SS White Night, Attack directly for 7700, play face-down.

His turn: Gets Breaker back, shifts to def, plays Geartown, plays Heavy to SS AGG Dragon, attacks REDMD.

My turn: Summon POC, remove REDMD, Suicide WND, attack Breaker with POC.

His: Surrenders.



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7/10 Nice game but I don't count quitting as winning >.>


Pawned a kid in 3(counting both of our turns)

My Turn:Activated Instant Fusion to SP Summon E-Hero Mariner. Activated Hero's Bond and SP Summoned Sparkman and Wildheart. Sacrificed all of them to SP Summon Wicked Dreadroot, then Summoned Stratos, and using his effect added Necroshade to my hand. End.

His Turn:Activated Infinite Cards, played a monster face-down, played 2 cards face down. End.

My Turn:Sacrificed Stratos to play Necroshade, then activated Premature Burial to bring Stratos back. Stratos attacked face-down, which was Sangen. He added another Sangen to his hand. Eraser attacked and I won.(we were playing by 4000)

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