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Pokemon Boa region pokedex project (the 50th member two sign up gets 5 reps)


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Hello and welcome to the new and improved Pokemon Boa Region.


1.No Spamming

2.No Swearing

3.No stealing sprites

4.You may only use other people's sprites if they say you can


New Entry Test

1.Name 7 of the many legendaries.

2.Name 6 starter pokemon.

3.Make 6 sprites you think should be in the club.

4.Name three of the pokemon games.

5.What are the names of the previous pokemon games.

Please P.m. me the anwers.



1-25=Amateur Dex Maker Daxinator,Elemental Hero Shadow,Dim Sim,

Natedog2001,NDS,Duckdude23,Derek Whaley,university222,OCG,Buffer,Blade Yuki,Ferroboy720,Mikeo


26-50=Junior Dex Maker


51-75=Master Dex Maker


76-100=Indisputable Dex Maker


101-125=Perfect Dex Maker




151-500=Vice President




Job Specialists


2.Sprite Namers

3.Move Set Maker

4.Map Makers

5.Pokedex entry Maker


To post fakemon and pokemon splices someone has to make this info.



Evolution Line:

Gender Ratio:




Level Moves:



Ok now everyone have fun in my new and improved Pokemon Boa Region.


P.S. For every sprite you post you get two poke points for every map you get 20 poke points.


First Mission: post starter pokemon and their evolutions you made only the top three will be in the dex.































































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  • 3 weeks later...

i'm in.

1.what are the names of the previous diamond and pearl games?

Pokemon Diamond & Pokemon Pearl. (no previous DS pokemon games)

2.what is the name of the name of the region from diamond and pearl?


3.what are the names of the starting pokemon from diamond and pearl? Turtwig,Chimchar,& Piplup


make questions harder. anyone with a basic knowledge of pokemon could get those.

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  • 3 months later...

1.what are the names of the previous diamond and pearl games?

Pokemon Diamond & Pokemon Pearl.

2.what is the name of the name of the region from diamond and pearl?


3.what are the names of the starting pokemon from diamond and pearl? Turtwig,Chimchar,& Piplup


So I'm in. :)

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