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3-set contest more people BIGGER PRIZE!!!


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Here are my LIGHT cards. Simple effects, but they can be utilized in many different strategies.




Effect: This card cannot be Special Summoned. When you take Battle Damage, put 1 "Shield Counter" on this card (max. 2). Once per turn, you can remove 2 Shield Counters from this card to make the Battle Damage inflicted to your Life Points by your opponent's monsters this turn 0. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, increase your Life Points by the number of Shield Counters on this card x800.



[spoiler=Equip Spell]


Effect: This card can only be equipped to a Warrior-Type LIGHT monster. The equipped monsters Level is increased by 1. When the equipped monster attacks a monster of a higher Level, the equipped monster gains ATK equal to the Level of the attack target x200, until the End Phase. When the equipped monster is destroyed by battle, place this card on the top of your Deck.



[spoiler=Continuous Trap]


Effect: Activate only when an opponent's monster declares an attack on a LIGHT Fairy-Type monster you control. Remove from play 1 card from the top of your Deck. If the card was a Monster Card, negate the attack and end the Battle Phase. The Deck is then shuffled.



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okay results are in and in first is a tie:

zelda hero1 and light diversion

both with 110 points clapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclap

so they will have a face off both of you make a card of your choice and all of you (including me)will vote for the winner. please pm me the votes and this face of is till next monday november 2nd

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Well here's my card


This card cannot be Special Summoned from your Deck or Graveyard. You can Special Summon this card by removing from play 3 "Thunder Hero" monsters from your side of the field. Once per turn, your opponent selects 1 card on their side of the field, all of your opponent's cards besides the selected card are sent to the Graveyard. During the End Phase of a turn when this card has sent cards to the Graveyard, your opponent must activate one of the following effects:

-Your opponent gains 500 Life points for every Spell Card sent to the Graveyard. -You take 500 points of damage for every Trap Card sent to the graveyard. -Remove from play 1 card in your hand for every monster sent to the Graveyard.

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here's my card for final face-off

[spoiler=monster] 129512.jpg



[spoiler=lore] This card is also treated as Machine-Type monster. Once per turn you can discard 1 card from your hand to inflict 400 damage to your opponent. If this card is in Defense Position during your End Phase, at your next Battle Phase, this card can attack your opponent's Life Points directly.Each time this effect is activated, decrease this card's ATK by 200.


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