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3-set contest more people BIGGER PRIZE!!!


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Hey, MKJ! Didn't know you were havin' a contest! Anyways, yeah its Oleon, one of your employess from the YuGiOh Hut. If you're still bringing in contestants, then let's fire it up, because I'm in! Bring it! And also, MKJ, for the first round, the card I sent you in the Job Applying PM will count as my card entry for the first round. Come on guys, I want a challenge...

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here's my card for R1



[spoiler=lore] This card is also treated as Machine-Type monster. Once per turn you can discard 1 card from your hand to inflict 400 damage to your opponent. If this card is in Defense Position during your End Phase, at your next Battle Phase, this card can attack your opponent's Life Points directly.Each time this effect is activated, decrease this card's ATK by 200.




[spoiler=Trap] 129512f.jpg


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Sorry... I hope I'm not too late...



[1 Machine Tuner + 1 or more Non Tuner Monsters]

Increase the ATK of all "Cybernetic" monsters on the field by 300. When a Machine-type monster is sent to the graveyard, place 2 Counters on the card. Remove all counters to Special Summon 1 "Cybernetic" monster from your Hand, Deck, Graveyard or Extra Deck.



Increase the ATK of all "Cybernetic" monsters on the field by 300. When a Machine-type monster is sent to the graveyard, place 2 Counters on the card. Remove all counters to Special Summon 1 "Cybernetic" monster from your Hand, Deck, Graveyard or Extra Deck with a LV equal to or less than the number of counters removed.



Activate this card when a "Cybernetic" monster you control attacks a Warrior-type monster. Both players may Special Summon 1 "Cybernetic" or Warrior-type monster, respectively, from the deck.

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okay can i make this clear follow the F@#king theme god damn it this round is spirits any way 31/40 for u




okay i can't wait next round DING DING DING!!!!!



This round is zombies!!!!!!!


rar i will eat ur brains lol

oh sry 4 double posting but check the original post often i have the round themes and the scors there so ya oh and the end date to!!

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In the spoilers is everything



No, I just made a vampire cat, just wondered what would be like.

[spoiler=Monster and effect]


[spoiler=The effect]

This card can be special summoned by removing three vampire or cat monsters from play. Once per turn, this card gains the effect of the removed from play cards. This cards ATK/DEF is equal to the combined ATK of two out of the three cards removed from play by this cards summoning conditions.






[spoiler=Spell and effect]


[spoiler=The effect]

Set this in your opponents field spell card zone. While in his zone, he gains 2000 life points during each of his/her main phases. While on the field, the owner of this card can special summon one zombie or beast type monster form his/her graveyard during each of his/her main phases. This card remains face up on the field even when the owner of this card sets a new Field spell card.






[spoiler=Trap and effect]


[spoiler=The effect]

This card can only be activated when vamprish cat is going to be attacked or targeted by one of your opponents spell card. Equip this card to it. While equipped, it gains 100 atk for each zombie and cat in your graveyard. If a spell targeted the equipped monster, destroy it and negate its effect.





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Round two is zombie eh, here's my card for R2

[spoiler=Monster] 129512u.jpg


[spoiler=Lore] This card is cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card is only can be Special Sumoned by Tributing 1 DARK monster you control.If this card is Summoned, activate one of the following effect based on Number Of Level of the monster you Tributed when Special Summoning this card.

-1-4: This card is cannot destroyed by battle.

-5-8: Increase this card's ATK by 500.

-9+: This card is uneffected by effect of Spell and Trap Cards your opponent control.



[spoiler=Spell] 129512v.jpg


[spoiler=Lore] Increase DEF of all Zombie-Type monster on the field by 500. Each time a Zombie-Type monster on your field destroy a monster on your opponent field Special Summon 1 "Undead Token" (Zombie-Type/Level 4/ DARK/ATK 300/DEF 500) to your field in Defense Position. The "Undead Token" is cannot be Tributed for Tribute Summon.





[spoiler=Lore] You can only activate this card when a Zombie-Type monster on your field is destroyed and sent to Graveyard,Special Summon the Destroyed monster to your field in Defense Position. ATK and DEF of the Special Summoned monster is became 0. The Special Summoned monster is cannot be destroyed by battle. If the Special Summoned monster is removed from the field, send this card to your Graveyard. If this card is removed from your field, return the Special Summoned monster to your Deck. Afterwards, the Deck is shuffled.


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Here are mah cards. They have simple effects, but at least they would be playable in the real game. Right?




[spoiler=Decayed Shinobi]



Effect: When this card is Summoned, place 2 "Vengeful Counters" on it. If this card attacks or is attacked, place 1 "Vengeful Counter" on it. When this card is destroyed by battle, select and activate 1 of the following effects:

● Select 1 face-up monster your opponent controls.The selected card loses ATK and DEF equal to the number of "Vengeful Counters" on this card x200. This effect lasts until the selected card is destroyed or removed from the field.

● Inflict damage to your opponent equal to the number of "Vengeful Counters" on this card x300.

● Special Summon 1 "Vengeful Shinobi" from your Deck in face-up Attack Position.




[spoiler=Zombies Rise Again!]



Effect: Pay half your Life Points. Special Summon as many Zombie-Type monsters from your Graveyard as possible. Monsters Special Summoned using this effect cannot be Tributed for a Tribute Summon. During the End Phase, destroy all monsters that were Special Summoned by this effect.




[spoiler=Graveyard Uprising]



Effect: Activate only when your opponent's monster declares an attack. Remove 1 Zombie-Type monster in your Graveyard from play. Your opponent's monster loses ATK equal to the ATK of the removed from play monster, until the end of the Battle Phase.



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here, sorry they took me so long


1 Zombie-Type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Zombie-Type monsters

If this card destroys a monster you can send the destroyed monster to your Graveyard. Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 non Zombie-Type monster from your Graveyard, the Special Summoned monster is treated as a Zombie-Type monster while on the field. If this card is removed from the field, destroy all monster Special Summoned by this card's effect.



Once per turn, you can tribute 1 face-up Zombie-Type monster to Special Summon up to 2 Zombie-Type monsters, who's combined levels are equal to the level of the tributed monster from your Deck. If the tributed monster's original type was changed, Special Summon the monster from either player's Graveyard. The Special Summoned monster is treated as a Zombie-Type monster while on the field.



If "The Dragonic Creator of the Undead" is not face-up on the field, destroy this card. Every time you Special Summon face-up non-Zombie-Type monsters by the effect of a Zombie-Type monster, you can send 1 Zombie-Type Tuner plus 1 or more non-Tuner non-Zombie-Type monsters that are removed from play to your opponent's graveyard, and Special Summon 1 Zombie-Type Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck whose Level equal the total Levels of the sent monsters. (This Special Summon is treated as a Synchro Summon.) When this card is removed from the field, destroy all monsters Special Summoned by this card's effect.

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