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Iron Dragons Archetype


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Ace Card:

Iron Dragon - Ferrous

Attrib: Fire

Type: Dragon/Synchro/Effect


Atk: 3000

Def: 2500

1 "Iron Dragon" Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters.

This card is also treated as a Machine-type monster. If your opponent activates the effect of a Spell, Trap, or Monster card during your Battle Phase, you may discard 1 card to negate its activation and effect, and destroy it. When this monster battles, your opponent cannot activate Spell or Trap cards until the end of the Damage Step, and the effect of the opposing monster is negated. When this card destroys a monster by battle, the destroyed monster is removed from play instead of going to the Graveyard. When this card is destroyed, destroy every card on the field, then both players Special Summon 1 level 4 monster from their Graveyards.


Other Cards:

Acid Iron

Group: Spell Card

Type: Spell

Activate only if you control a face-up "Iron Dragon" monster. Select and activate 1 of the following effects: -Select 2 face down cards your opponent controls, if either of those cards are Spell Cards, both are destroyed. -Select 1 face down Spell or Trap card on the field, it is destroyed.


Fire and Iron

Group: Spell Card

Type: Spell

Select and activate 1 of the following effects: -Discard 1 monster, Special Summon 1 "Iron Dragon" monster from your Graveyard. -Inflict 200 Damage to your opponent's Life Points for each "Iron Dragon" you control.


Hammer of Iron

Group: Spell Card

Type: Spell

Discard 1 card when you control an "Iron Dragon" monster. Select and activate one of the following effects: -Destroy the 1 face-up monster your opponent controls that has the highest ATK. (If it's a tie, you get to choose.). -Destroy the 1 face-up monster your opponent controls that has the highest DEF. (If it's a tie, you get to choose.)


Hard Iron

Group: Spell Card

Type: Spell


This card can only be equiped to an "Iron Dragon" monster. When this card is destroyed, select another valid target for this card, and equip it with this card. When this card is equiped to a monster, select and activate 1 of the following effects: -The equiped monster cannot be destroyed by battle. -The equiped monster cannot be destroyed by card effects. -The equiped monster cannot be destroyed except by this cards effect, destroy the equiped monster during the End Phase.


Iron Blaze

Group: Spell Card

Type: Spell

Tribute 1 "Iron Dragon" monster. Select and activate 1 of the following effects: -Destroy all face down Monsters. -Destroy all face down Spell and Trap cards.


Iron Dragon - Arctus

Attrib: Fire

Type: Dragon/Effect


Atk: 1500

Def: 1200

This card is also treated as a Machine-type monster. During your opponent's Main Phase, you may discard 1 card, if you do, your opponent cannot activate the effects of Spell or Trap cards until the End Phase.


Iron Dragon - Beldos

Attrib: Fire

Type: Dragon/Effect


Atk: 1700

Def: 1000

This card is also treated as a Machine-type monster. When this card declares an attack, you may destroy 1 face down Spell or Trap card on the field, that card cannot be activated in responce to this cards attack or this cards effect.


Iron Dragon - Cilen

Attrib: Fire

Type: Dragon/Effect


Atk: 1600

Def: 1200

This card is also treated as a Machine-type monster. When this card attacks, the ATK of the opponent's monster becomes equal to its original ATK. If this monster battles, after damage calculation, you may destroy 1 monster on the field with an ATK that is differant then its original ATK.


Iron Dragon - Corose

Attrib: Fire

Type: Dragon/Effect


Atk: 1600

Def: 1200

This card is also treated as a Machine-type monster. Once per turn, you may remove 1 monster in your opponent's Graveyard from play to increase this cards ATK by 100.


Iron Dragon - Exus

Attrib: Fire

Type: Dragon/Effect


Atk: 1800

Def: 0

This card is also treated as a Machine-type monster. If your opponent activates a Spell or Trap card during the Battle Phase, destroy 1 monster on the field (this effect can be activated during damage calculation). When this card destroys a monster by battle, you may destroy 1 face down Spell or Trap card on the field. During your opponent's Standby Phase, pay 500 Life Points or switch this card to Defence Position.


Iron Dragon - Iornus

Attrib: Fire

Type: Dragon/Effect


Atk: 1650

Def: 100

This card is also treated as a Machine-type monster. When this monster battles, it gains the effects of the opponent's monster until the end of Damage Calcultion.


Iron Dragon - Pyes

Attrib: Fire

Type: Dragon/Effect


Atk: 2000

Def: 1000

This card is also treated as a Machine-type monster. Once per turn, you may discard 1 card to destroy all cards that were set face-down on the field since your opponent's last Standby Phase.


Iron Dragon - Raios

Attrib: Fire

Type: Dragon/Effect


Atk: 750

Def: 300

This card is also treated as a Machine-type monster. Tribute this monster, select 1 monster your opponent controls. The ATK and DEF of the selected monster becomes 0, and its effect is negated (If that monster is sent to the Graveyard, its effect is still negated) you may use this effect during your opponent's turn and during Damage Calculation.


Iron Dragon - Synchros

Attrib: Fire

Type: Dragon/Tuner/Effect


Atk: 0

Def: 0

This card is also treated as a Machine-type monster. Increase the level of this monster by half the number of Dragon-type monsters on the field (rounded down), and half the number of Machine-type monsters on the field (rounded down).


Iron Dragon - Synchrus

Attrib: Fire

Type: Dragon/Union/Effect


Atk: 700

Def: 600

If you control an "Iron Dragon - Synchros" you may Special Summon this monster from your hand by paying 1000 Life Points. This card is also treated as a Machine-type monster. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, if you control this card on the field, you can equip it to your "Iron Dragon - Synchros" as an Equip Card, OR unequip the Union equipment and Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. While equipped to a monster by this card's effect, if the equiped monster would be used as a Synchro Material for an "Iron Dragon" monster, you may increase or decrease its level by any amount.


Iron Ore

Group: Spell Card

Type: Spell

Discard 1 "Iron Dragon" monster, select and activate 1 of the following effects: -Draw 2 cards. -Draw 3 card, then show your opponent your hand, your opponent selects one card and sends it to the Graveyard.


Iron Prison

Group: Spell Card

Type: Spell


During your opponent's Standby Phase, switch a number of monsters they control to Defence Position upto the number of "Iron Dragon" monsters you control. When a monsters battle position is changed more then once during a turn, that monster is destroyed during the End Phase. When a monster in Defence Position is attacked, it is swiched to Attack Position (any flip effects are negated).


Iron Reaction

Group: Trap Card

Type: Trap


Reveal an "Iron Dragon" monster in your hand and tribute 1 "Iron Dragon" monster your control. Negate the activation and effect of a Spell or Trap card and destroy it. After this card resolves, you may discard the monster you revealed and remove from play this card in your Graveyard to add 1 "Iron Reaction" in your Deck to your hand.


Iron Shield

Group: Trap Card

Type: Trap


When your opponent attacks an Attack Position "Iron Dragon" monster, you may switch it to Defence Position to negate that attack. After this cards effect resolves, you may tribute 1 "Iron Dragon" monster to end the Battle Phase.


Iron Sword

Group: Trap Card

Type: Trap

Activate when your opponent attack a face-up "Iron Dragon" monster, destroy and remove from play the attacking monster. After this cards effect resolves, you may tribute 1 "Iron Dragon" monster and remove from play this card in your Graveyard to destroy and remove from play all face-up Attack Position monsters your opponent controls.


Iron Trap Hole

Group: Trap Card

Type: Trap

When your opponent Normal Summons a monster with 1000 or more ATK, destroy it. After this card resolves, you may tribute 1 "Iron Dragon" monster you control and remove from play this card in your Graveyard, if you do, your opponent cannot Special Summon monsters this turn.


Revoke Iron

Group: Spell Card

Type: Spell


Select and activate one of the following effects: -Return 1 face-up "Iron Dragon" monster you control to your hand, it is Special Summon to the field during the End Phase. -Return all face-up "Iron Dragon" monsters you control to your hand, Special Summon them to the field during the End Phase.


Scrap Iron

Group: Spell Card

Type: Spell

This cards activation and effect cannot be negated. Selecct and activate 1 of the following effects: -Send 1 "Iron Dragon" monster from your Deck to the Graveyard, return 1 "Iron Dragon" monster in your Graveyard to your Deck. -Discard 1 "Iron Dragon" monster, add 1 "Iron Dragon" monster in your Graveyard to your hand.


Shining Iron

Group: Spell Card

Type: Spell


Select and activate 1 of the following effects: -Increase the ATK of all "Iron Dragon" monsters by 300 until the End Phase. -Decrease the ATK of all monsters your opponent controls by 500 until the End Phase.


Soul Stealing Iron

Group: Trap Card

Type: Trap


When a monster, except an "Iron Dragon" monster, is destroyed, it is removed from play. When a monster is removed from play, add 1 Iron Counter to this card. When there are 5 Iron Counters on this card destroy it and Special Summon 1 "Iron Dragon" monster in your Graveyard. After this card resolves, you may discard your hand and remove from play this card in your Graveyard to Special Summon as many "Iron Dragon" monsters from your Graveyard as possible.

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