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Prank Phone Calls


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Alright. I tried another one. This person had never heard of the 'Why you kick my dog?' on YouTube. Here's how it went:



Yes. Ma'am, do you have a daughter?

Yes. Yes I do. Why?

I live across the street from you, and your daughter, your daughter came to my property and she kicked my dog.

She did what?

She kicked my dog. Now my dog needs an operation.

She did not do that. My daughter is an honor roll student.

I saw her do it. She came to my property and she kicked my dog.

Shut the hell up! My daughter did not do that!

Let me ask you one thing:


Is your refrigerator running?

Is this a prank call?

Screw you! *hangs up*


Not as planned. =/

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I love this guy.


Ring ring.

Who is this?

Ring ring.

Who is this?

Ring ring pssst: your supposed to say, 'hello?'


Is your regrigerator running?

...... Is this a prank call?




No I didn't.

You kicked my dog. Now my dog needs an operation.

What the hell? Why don't you just go f*ck yourself.

Suck a dick. TROLLING RULES!

*I hang up*

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That was funny even though it didn't go 100% as planned.


I did one about calling from Pizza Hut to ask about where I need to deliver pizza.


One time me and my siblings and cousins prank called a pizza delivery guy. We told him we didn't want the pizza and he went away all pissed. But on the same night our parents ordered pizza and that same guy came to our door. O_O

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Call a pizza place' date=' say your order, have them repeat it back to you.


Every time they repeat it, make 1 tiny change and ask them to repeat it again.


Then after like 15 adjustments, say "Nevermind I dont want any pizza".





That is actually a very smart idea. And if you actually start out with a big order, they'll think they will make a lot of profit off of you, so they'd keep you on line. I'll try that, thanks!

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Well howz about this?


Call a pizza place and ask for the price of a certain pizza (ill say large pepporoni)

Then put them on hold and call a 2nd piza place and ask their price for the same pizza. Then tell whoever has the higher price the lower price of the pizza plzce and get them to lower it. Repeat this until their pizza price is very low. Take the lowest one!

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3 Words - Friday Night Cranks.


I never have, my friend did it one night, to our friends house, at like, 1:30 in the morning on PSP Skype, but he couldn't say anything since he didn't have a mic built in or for his PSP.

Our friend's mom picked up and was like "who the f*** is calling this early"

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how about this


me: youuuuuuu

dude: what

me: i'm supersepiroth got little dance for ya'll called the soulja xtreme yeah go crank that sheet

dude: what

me: you home

why me crank it

why me roll

hey millenniumchimney dat ho

i'll be talking

you watch some sailor moon

now you watch me hump sailor jupiter

now you watch some angry nerd

dude: wtf

vocaloid-miku hatsune: yes he at your local party

yes he crank it everyday

now you don't be hatin' jabroni

i gots me some money cuz i be singin errvryday

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