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Advanced Clause?

Tempest Dahlia

An Advanced Clause Reform?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. An Advanced Clause Reform?

    • No. Leave it the way it is.
    • Change a little bit of the advance clause...
    • Major changes are need to keep people interested in rp's.
    • Yes! Destroy it and let us rp!

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The advanced clause has meaning and it does lead to better rping. Granted.

At the same time, it's slightly overbearing. If you just want to have fun, why must there be a minimum of what we write? I, for one, don't like it.

So I made a poll. If you like or dislike it, please vote and post a reason on why you selected your choice.

Please people, no spamming, rude comments, or anything like that. I'd hate to have to report you, but I will.

Thanks for voting!

(Please mods, don't lock this.)

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I do support the advanced clause. I haven't RP'ed too much but short posts are hard to work off of. Now I don't think every post should have to have 2 paragraphs but I found that when someone posts a one-sentence reply I have to guess a lot and assume I know what they meant. Like if two characters are fighting in an RP and all one guy says is " runs toward " that's not enough to go off of. With the advanced clause I know what the previous person meant to do and I can work off it. Now I don't think it was meant to make everyone post 2-3 paragraphs replies because not everyone can do that without running on. I believe it was meant to get people to stop the posts that aren't enough to work with which is why I support it.

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So you guys don't want it deleted' date=' but you do want the minimun length part to change?



Well as I said in my wall of text, multiple (really only 1 or 2) paragraphs isn't right for everyone as not everyone can write that much without sounding dumb. I feel that 3-4 sentences and above should be sufficient. It's not hard to post a reply that is of adequate length and others can go off of. And the only reason that they set a minimum is that if they say "Make sure your post has adequate length." someone will still post the vague one sentence replies thinking that is enough.

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Yes, I agree with you. Posts should not be 2 words.

But at the same time, it's slightly aggrovating to have a converstion and have to say a whole bunch just to meet the requirement. If anything, I suggest that there no minimum length in terms of certain dialogue, such as asking a question, answering said question, etc.

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Honestly, the majority of people who don't support the AC (or at least the vocal ones), tend to have poor grammar and bad spelling. Granted, I don't RP, so I really couldn't care either way, but it seems like the AC is trying to bring quality RP-ing to the forefront. People whining about it should learn to RP better?

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