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V2 download doesn't work' date=' playing version 1 now.



V1's cool. I made a similar game on my calculator. It's fun but gets kinda boring. Is it in a continuous loop?



Yeah it is at the moment. Also I can't even access my own files on Mediafire, so I'm struggling to fix V2. Also V3 will probably be on the way anyway (there's nothing new, just a few balancing things).

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No =[


Too many bosses and less normal enemies makes this gay =[


Wait, in V4? It should have the same amount of each as the other games.


QUICKEDIT: Oh sh*t, I uploaded the tester version. Lemme fix that.

QUICKEDIT DEUX: Okay, I think I've uploaded the right V4.

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  • 1 month later...

-BUMP- (I asked permission)


V5 has been added, and you can play it online. You should be able to play all of the newer versions online, since I found a good new host. Anyway, the main thing new in this version is the extra powerup I added. Tell me what you think. =P


Edit: Also, post your V5 high-scores (it doesn't tell you your high score, so remember it before you reset).

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