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The Animator's And Spriter's Organization,LOCK


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hi and welcome to the Animator's And Spriter's Organization!


[spoiler=club contests]none yet!

[spoiler=gallery]nothing yet! submit something!

[spoiler=ranks guide]1.Top Animator and Advanced Spriter - add 20 Animations Or Sprites To The Galley and Win 4 contests

2.Medium Animator and Normal Spriter - add 10 Animations/ Sprites to the gallery

3.Learning Animator and Learning Spriter - Join This Club

[spoiler=app]what you want to be called:

colour of ranks:

colour of name in the picture(like mine):


[spoiler=rules]all YCM rules apply

no spamming

no flaming

[spoiler=banned list]no-one yet, lets keep it that way!


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