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Christmas deck


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This is a deck with a christmas theme. it speacial summons monsters feom the deck and then tributes them for burn damage. i could use help on grammer and to know if the cards are over powered. the amount of each card is based or structure deckf you really like the cards please tell me because i have a small 50 point favor to ask you


Nutcracker Admiral

7 stars/Earth/Warrior


When this card destroys a Monster by Battle, Speacial Summon 1 Monster with ATK less than the ATK of the destroyed Monster. When a Monster is Speacial Summoned Inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to thier Oppomemets"s Life Points.


Nutcracker Sharpshooter

4 Stars/Earth/Warrior


Once per turn, instead of having this monster attack you can inflict 300 points of Direct Damage to your Opponent`s Life Points.


Nutcracker Soldier x2

4 Stars/Earth/Warrior


When this card is Destroyed as a result of battle, Speacial Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Warrior type monster from your Deck.


Workshop Elf

2 Stars/Earth/Warrior


When this card is sent from your hand or d{ck to the Graveyard Speacial Summon 1 monster from your deck with 1000 ATK or less.


Gingerbread Man x2

2 Stars/Earth/Warrior


When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your Opponent`s Life Points.


Toy Soldier x2

3 Stars/Earth/Warrior


During your Standby Phase you may Speacial Summon 1 "Toy Soldier" from your Deck.


Nutcracker Grenadier

5 Stars/Earth/Warrior


Pay 1000 Life Points and destroy one monster on your Opponent`s side of the field. Then Speacial Summon 1 monster with an ATK equal to or less then the ATK of the destroyed monster.


Nutcracker Pilot

4 Stars/Earth/Warrior


When this card is tributed for a card effect, Draw 1 card.


Nutcracker Medic x2

4 Stars/Earth/Warrior


During your Standby Phase both players may pay 800 Life points to Speacial Summon 1 Level 4 or lower monster from thier his/her Graveyard.


Saint Nicholas

5 Stars/Light/Spellcaster


All Special Summoned Monsters cannot be targeted by the Effects of monster cards.


Reindeer Brigade

4 Stars/Earth/Beast


When a monster is Speacial Summoned inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to thier Opponent`s Life Points.


Nutcracker Informant

4 Stars/Earth/Warrior


Flip: Speacial Summon one "Nutcracker" monster from your Deckin Attack Posistion. It can not attack or change it`s Battle Posistion.


Mystical Tree

4 Stars/Earth/Plant


When a monster is Speacial Summoned destroy one Spell or Trap card on the field.


Nutcracker Duchess

6 Stars/Earth/Warrior


All face-up "Nutcracker" monsters gain 500 ATK.


Stuffed Animal

Snowman Eater

Exiled Force



Winter Wonderland


Players must pay 500 Life Points to Normal Summon, Flip Summon, Set, Fusion Suummon, Synchro Summon, and Ritual Summon. All monsters tributed for a card effect are returned to the Deck.



Speacial Summon 1 level 4 or lower monster from your deck. Return your hand to your deck.


Toy Sack

Add 2 cards from yourHand to the bottom of your Deck (the Deck is not shuffled). Add 2 cards from your Graveyard to your hand.


Mystery Gift

Select 3 Spell and Trap cards from your deck and show them to your opponent. Your Opponent selects one card and it is placed on top of your deck. The other cards are sent to the Graveyard.


Toy Assembly Line

Activate only when you control less monsters than your Opponent. Pay 1000 Life Points and Speacial Summon level 4 or lower monsters from your Deck until your Opponent and you control the same number of monsters.



Reinforcement of the Army

Heavy Storm

Lightning Vortex

Brain Control



Gingerbread House

When this face-down card is destroyed, Speacial Summon as many "Gingerbread Man" as possible from your Graveyard, Hand, and Deck.


Toy Cannon

Activate this card only when you control a face-up "Toy Soldier". Switch 1 Attack Posistion monster to Defense Posisition and inflict 400 points of damage to it`s controller`s Life Points.


Nut Tank x2


Once per turn you may tribute 1 monster with "Nutcracker" in it`s card name to inflict half of that monster`s origanal ATK as Direct Damage to your opponent`s Life Points.


Gift Card

Bad Reaction to Simochi

Solemn Judgement

Mirror Force

Call of the Haunted

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