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~The Birth of The Cloaked Schemer~ {One-shot}

.:Abarai Renji:.

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Yes. It is me. Kuja the Magnificent. After a long while, I am somehow back. But not fully. I will maybe make a few appearances now and then, but that's all, so don't expect me to stay for long.


Anyway, this is a story that I wrote as a school thing, and I decided to base it on my fav Organization XIII Member; Zexion. I know this isn't how he was created, but it's my version, sorta.





For so long, it has just laid there. A black book with silver frame, and with a weird, snowflake-shaped symbol on the front. Ienzo knew he was forbidden to read it, and that his father had cursed that book ever since it was made, damning it to an eternity in hell so many times over and over again. Ienzo never understood why he did so, so he guessed the book was bad or something. But time and again…Ienzo had found the book intriguing just by merely looking at it. As if it tried to tell him that there was a whole new world to discover. But he kept his hands away from it, not wanting to touch it…only observe it…and wait.


One day, however, Ienzo was home alone. And since his parents knew how much he loved to read, they kept the mansion’s library open, so he could easily access his favorite room in the whole building. Ienzo’s parents were wealthy, so they had money enough to buy whatever they want. Ienzo had always wondered why they were so wealthy, but he didn’t really mind. All he cared about was that he had a whole library for himself. This day wasn’t going to be so special, he thought. Just a quick meal, then spend the day in the library, he thought. Smiling, he went towards the stairs, only to pass the library door. He peeked inside, longing to enter the room as soon as his breakfast was done. The part of the library he saw through the narrow space was just huge bookshelves, filled to the brim with books of all thinkable things; food, culture, music, geography, lexicons, map books, anything. As a result, naturally, Ienzo had home education, not having to step outside his manor for a day. Suddenly, his eyes caught the gaze of that book again. It was locked inside a glass podium, just standing in the middle of the room. The glass was bulletproof and almost indestructible, so retrieving the book was of course unthinkable. But somehow…Ienzo wanted it. Wanted to read it. All his thoughts were somehow locked on that single item, and his thoughts of what the contents of that book would be almost made his body wriggle in anticipation and pain. Oh, how he wanted it. It was as if the book emitted an alluring aura of knowledge and……darkness, for a weird reason. Suddenly, he actually saw it. The book was gleaming blue for a second, only for the light to turn to darkness. Ienzo gasped, and pressed his body to the wall outside the library, not wanting to witness what had happened. He suddenly heard footsteps, and voices;


“Is there any sign of Zexion?” one voice asked, deep and masculine in its tone.


“None yet, Xaldy, but we’re on it!” a rather cheery voice replied, but with signs that the voice was that of a young man.


“Hmph…typical for you to be the naïve one, Demyx…” the other replied, probably having a nickname. Xaldy sounded too…childish.


“Stop it, both of you!” a young, female voice snapped. “Sheesh, Xaldin, you’re too serious!” this made the one called Demyx giggle slightly. “And you act like a funking pre-schooler, Dem!” the girl roared, and a kick was heard, followed by the noise of a body crashing into a bookshelf.


“Hey, what gives?!” Demyx shouted, standing up again as Ienzo heard his staggering footsteps. “Hey, hey, let’s not fight! Let’s just be focused on the mission!”


“Hmph…like you ever are. You of all of our Organization members happened to be the naïve and clumsy one.” Xaldin smugly commented. Demyx clutched his fist. Ienzo at least thought so, as he heard something made of leather squeak slightly as it was clutched.


“Why you…!”


“Enough!” the girl took voice anew, and the ones named Xaldin and Demyx backed off.


“Apologies, Larxene.” both replied with a grunt. The one called Larxene cackled slightly.


“Aaah…it’s good to be the sadistic b!tch…” she smirked. “Now, if Zexy ain’t here, we just have to look somewhere else!” three vortex noises were heard, and as Ienzo looked into the room, there were no one to be seen. Just the book, safe and secure in its podium.


“W-What the hell happened?!” Ienzo stammered for himself. He saw that the books in one section of the shelves were messed up or had fallen to the floor. He rushed over to the section, picking up the books, and placing them on their respective shelves carefully. He hoped that his parents wouldn’t notice when they got back home, or he would have a lot to explain that he didn’t even understand what, or how, it happened. He was scared. Scared for probably the first time of his life. Who were those persons? Why where they looking for this ‘Zexion’? And how did they appear like that? It had to do something with the book. He went over to the podium, and just looked at it. It seemed so harmless, really. Merely physical objects to touch, smell, see. Nothing more. But…could there be more? He had to find out somehow. “I’m so gonna get grounded for this…” he said to himself, and went to a small cupboard on a wall. He opened it, and found a key collection. One of these keys happened to unlock the podium’s protective glass prison. Ienzo sighed, and with a small click, he heard as the key entered the keyhole, and with a turn and a snap, the lock opened. Ienzo opened the podium, and took the book from its podium. He hastily made his way to his room, and once there, he went over to his reading desk, flicking on the lamp, and slamming down the book top-side on the desk. He hesitated for awhile, both wanting to open the book and trying to resist, remembering his father’s temperament and his mother’s over-worried mind. He sighed once more. “I-I can’t do it…” he said. Suddenly, he heard a voice. Not behind him. Not in front of him. But inside him.


“Open it…” it commanded “Open it, Ienzo, and we can be ONE again…” Ienzo gasped as he heard the voice. He turned around over and over again, trying to locate the source of the voice, but nothing was there.


“W-Who are you?!” he shouted into the empty darkness around him, as he felt the dark creep onto him, almost. “W-Where are you?! SHOW YOURSELF!!” he took the chair in front of his desk, and threw it at random across the room. It hit the wall, nothing more.


“No need to be afraid, Ienzo…for I am a part of you…” the voice replied. “I am your Nobody, you see. A creature made by your negative feelings inside your heart. All your sorrow…all your hatred…all hate…all sad…all nothing…”


“W-What? Nobody?”


“Exactly. There is no time to explain in my terms, but let’s say that I am made of all the bad things that you have endured, which I in turn also had to. Remember all the boys that bullied you, calling you ‘four-eyes’ and ‘geek’? I was there. Remember all the times they beat you and left you weeping in your dark corner? I was there. A Nobody grows stronger of those feelings. Hatred. Sorrow. Rage. Any of these things makes us stronger, and when we die…we are born anew. Not the Nobody, but the one that HOSTS the Nobody.”


“S-So…when I die…”


“You’ll become me. Yes. You see how clever I am now, hmm? All this time, I have planned and schemed. And schemed and planned. All this time, for our Reunion…”


“R-Reunion? But, you said…”


“I know exactly what I said, Ienzo. When you die, you cease to exist…and I will be born. I have planned for this so long…hehehe…foolish mortal child…” Ienzo was now frightened to death. Someone had planned his whole life?


“B-But you can’t!” Ienzo exclaimed.


“Oh, I can’t?” the voice made a loud chuckle. “Oh yes, I can. You see, I know that your FATHER used to beat you up when you were disobedient. And now…you have committed a sin far beyond his temper to contain…he will be so mad at you…there won’t be anything to stop him. He will be here soon…” Ienzo was now so scared that he would do anything to avoid his fate. To be beaten…or even MURDERED…by his father was the least he wanted to be.


“B-But how?! How can I stop it?! Please, tell me Zexion!” he shouted out.


“Oh? You know my name…how clever of you. Anyway, there’s one way to end it…” Ienzo was so desperate he wanted anything.


“Y-Yes! Tell me!”


“Open the book. Once you do, I will take your life, Ienzo…and make me whole…”


Ienzo was scared.


He would die, no matter what he chose for a way. He fell down on his knees, and cried. He cried his heart out, not knowing what to do. Everything seemed so hopeless now. He wished that he had just ignored the book. Ignored the people talking. And most of all; regretting that he ever picked up the book. His tears fell from his cheek, and made a small puddle as it hit the floor. Sniffing as he wiped out his tears, he stood up, and went over to the book, fingering on the first side.


“Mom…dad……I-I love you…” he said, and with one move, he opened the book. In a flash, something black and tendril-shaped shot out, piercing his heart. He felt his life leave him, as his eyes dimmed, and all…was black…


“I am Zexion, The Cloaked Schemer……and this…is my story…”[/align]

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Very different from Kingdom Hearts canon. For some reason, you kept misspelling Ienzo. If a Heartless dies before their Nobody, then they can be reborn. If a Nobody dies before their Heartless, then the original person cannot be brought back. Zexion is still a Nobody, but it's not quite clear what Ienzo is. I'm interested, but only because I want to learn about this story's version of Zexion.

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@Phantom Roxas: Ty for commenting this, and I am terribly sorry for mispelling his name. I was unsure if it was an l or an I there, so the blame is mine. BTW, I didn't know so much about Nobody and Heartless creation, and as I mentioned, I made it on my English Lesson in school, so I couldn't be arsed to search for facts on school time.


@Rinne: TY FOR COMMENTZ! And I dunno? Something wrong with your computer? lol


EDIT: Edited all Lenzo to Ienzo ^^

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“Open it…” it commanded “Open it, Lenzo, and we can be ONE again…” Ienzo gasped as he heard the voice. He turned around over and over again, trying to locate the source of the voice, but nothing was there.


“W-Who are you?!” he shouted into the empty darkness around him, as he felt the dark creep onto him, almost. “W-Where are you?! SHOW YOURSELF!!” he took the chair in front of his desk, and threw it at random across the room. It hit the wall, nothing more.


“No need to be afraid, Ienzo…for I am a part of you…” the voice replied. “I am your Nobody, you see. A creature made by your negative feelings inside your heart. All your sorrow…all your hatred…all hate…all sad…all nothing…”


“W-What? Nobody?”


“Exactly. There is no time to explain in my terms, but let’s say that I am made of all the bad things that you have endured, which I in turn also had to. Remember all the boys that bullied you, calling you ‘four-eyes’ and ‘geek’? I was there. Remember all the times they beat you and left you weeping in your dark corner? I was there. A Nobody grows stronger of those feelings. Hatred. Sorrow. Rage. Any of these things makes us stronger, and when we die…we are born anew. Not the Nobody, but the one that HOSTS the Nobody.”


“S-So…when I die…”


“You’ll become me. Yes. You see how clever I am now, hmm? All this time, I have planned and schemed. And schemed and planned. All this time, for our Reunion…”


“R-Reunion? But, you said…”


“I know exactly what I said, Ienzo. When you die, you cease to exist…and I will be born. I have planned for this so long…hehehe…foolish mortal child…” Lenzo was now frightened to death. Someone had planned his whole life?


The bolded. Also, I think the CAPS and bolding everything are unnecessary.

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