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See YCM-kun, Told You Breaker Is Not That Good This Format

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lol for judging the meta by locals!


On a side note' date=' does any one have any final countdowns? I really need some sense it is the top deck in this meta. I figured it out because some won one with it at locals....



Lol @ you for thinking locals don't run Meta decks, silly little man.

Oh wow. One lolocal. I guess that proves everything about anything' date=' right?



No but when your locals only run meta and anti meta decks it gives you a pretty good idea of whats to come.


As I said before, Outside of Endymion builds chainability laughs at breaker.

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IT: crab helmet is a trend setter among the unimaginative, people dont understand that you can run meta decks at lolocals, people dont understand that lolocals still arent a valid measuring stick for the meta, one jackass doesnt thingk endymion is any good, and people dont seem to grasp that breaker is just one more turd in an ocean of crap like jd, lyla, ryko, celest, gyz, best, dad, arcanite, chaos, caius, raiza, heavy, trunade, mst, solemn, bribe and mother funking cold wave. breaker would be fine at 17, let alone 3, just because nobody cares about an insta st killer anymore because every god damn card is an insta st killer and no one runs any nonchainable sts because everyones god damn afraid, as they should be, of all this mother funking sheet.




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Guest PikaPerson01

Fair enough. Can you describe your locals? Amount of people that typically show up? General location? Simple-ish breakdown of the top 16, Top 8, or Top 4?

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Fair enough. Can you describe your locals? Amount of people that typically show up? General location? Simple-ish breakdown of the top 16' date=' Top 8, or Top 4?



There are two in my intimidate area, mostly meta decks LS, BW, GB. One is smaller than the other. The first's average total is around 40-50 people the second is smaller, usually around 20 people. The top 8 usually looks like


xx LS

xx BW

xx GB

xx Random Anti Meta/Non-Meta Build

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