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Another contest by me.... more points to give now

[spoiler=rules] Contest begins: now

Contest ends: TBA (depends on amount of contestants)

Starts when we have about 10-20 contestants




[spoiler=prizes] 1st place: 3 rep 1/2 of pot

2nd place: 2 rep 1/3 of pot

3rd place: 3 rep 1/6 of pot

STARTING POT: 330!!! (i get nothing, lol)



[spoiler=ROUND 1 TASK]

Create a MONSTER support for Monarchs


[spoiler=judging] OCG: 30/100

Realisticness/Balance: 40/100

Pic: 10/100

Creativity: 20/100

HOLO AND OTHER DESIGNS GETS +5 OR MORE, also if u get a great picture


[spoiler=contestants] 1. ToOo0n Pr!Nc3

2. Insert Name Here

3. awesome66

4. jk233_ultimatemaster

[spoiler=Round 1 Card] 30vdgmr.jpg


1 non-Tuner monster - 1 Dark Tuner monster

In order to Special Summon this card, subtract the Level of a Dark Tuner monster from the Level of 1 other monster you control; the value must equal the Level of this card.

Once per turn, by discarding 3 cards from your hand, you can Special Summon a "Monarch" monster from your hand, Deck or Graveyard. That monster's effect is activated. During the End Phase of your turn, destroy the Summoned monster and this card gains the destroyed monster's effect.



5. FallenFanel21

6. zombiepromking

[spoiler=Round 1 Card] 85866d.jpg


When 2 Spells or Traps are destroyed by the effect of "Mobius the Frost Monarch", you can destroy 1 Spell or Trap your opponent controls. If your opponent controls no Spells or Traps when this Effect is activated, you can return this card to your hand to Special Summon 1 "Monarch" monster from your Hand. The Special Summoned monster's effect can be activated after your 2nd Stand-By phase after the activation of this effect.




7. The7thSorrow [spoiler=Round 1 Card]353612d.jpg

[spoiler=Lore]Monsters that include "Monarch" in their card name cannot be destroyed, have their effects negated, be returned to your hand, or declare an attack during the turn they are Summoned. Each time a Monster, Spell or Trap Card is destroyed, return this card to your hand from your Graveyard.



8. [email protected]

9. Kotaro

10. Baka_Sama

11. Кинг Ирон

12. Dragonblix

[spoiler=Round 1 Card] 375328.jpg


If you control 1 "Monarch" on your side of the field, special summon this card. Once per turn, you may tribute 1 Dark monster you control and inflict 800 points of damage to your opponent. Tribute this card to increase the attack of 1 "Monarch" on your side of the field by 1300 until the end phase.






*=need to pay


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lol first round shud be easy' date=' i got one in mine

those who were in my last contest should see this familiar...


I know where this is going.....


Ahh....as I see bratinella has joined as well. Announcer time again....

"Yet again another Vet has entered the arena; will the reigning pokepet king remain undefeated on a toatally unrelated note?"

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