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Re-Vision!: Labyrinth of Nightmare.


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Oh, yeah, we all know that Konami sucks at everything they do. So, The Will being The Will, I will surely set things right.


At least in the Net.


So help me (insert favorite role model here).


Basically, those that are not included in this set are not going to be revised - ever. The sun can't really shine on some motherf***ers, for Konami said so.






Revival Jam




When this card is destroyed as a result of battle and sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon it during your Standby Phase.




Tornado Wall


Continuous Trap


All damage to your Life Points become 0 while "Umi" is active. You can Tribute 1 WATER monster that you control to negate a card effect that would remove "Umi" from the field and destroy it. When "Umi" on the field is destroyed, destroy this card.




Fairy Box


Continuous Trap


When a your opponent declares an attack with a monster, toss a coin. If you call it right, the original ATK of the attacking monster becomes 0 until the end of the Battle Phase.




Panther Lady




Tribute 1 monster that you control to return 1 monster in your Graveyard to your hand.




The Crimson Sentry




You can offer 1 monster that you control during either player's turn to return 1 monster in your opponent's Graveyard to the bottom of your opponent's Deck.




Jorgen the Spiritualist




Neither player can Special Summon monsters while this card is face-up. You can discard 1 card from your hand to destroy all Special Summoned monsters.





Not that much yet.

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