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Nah not if you are respectful and nice... and then on the second they'll be more allowing and when you and you're someone get off alone then the naughty starts >=)


The whole "parents situation" is A LOT easier if you and the girl start out as friends first. Because then you go over her house, hang out as friends, meet the parents, etc.


And if you're good enough, her parents will say things like "Why can't you find a nice boyfriend?! Your friend *insert-name-here* seems like a nice boy!"


And then you're in! Well, it worked for me at least. >.>

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Remember' date=' tell the parents (if they ask) that you won't have sex till you are married. Lead them on.





But, the only problem with that is... If you get into a deep relationship with their daughter and you DO end up having sex and the parents find out... Bad. REALLY bad. They don't like liars. Good thing I never pulled that with my GFs parents. >.>

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Remember' date=' tell the parents (if they ask) that you won't have sex till you are married. Lead them on.





But, the only problem with that is... If you get into a deep relationship with their daughter and you DO end up having sex and the parents find out... Bad. REALLY bad. They don't like liars. Good thing I never pulled that with my GFs parents. >.>


As long as the girl was willing, and you didn't get her pregnant, they can't do sheet to you.

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Yeah don't but if you have sex with a girl for the first time make sure she doesn't go home that night, they'll know for sure and that would be bad also.


Or just wait til you're married...



and Duh Dark I mean what are you gonna do, Walk up to the Parents and say "Yeah I'm taking you're daughter out, we'll have sex and i'll bring her back waisted." That wouldn't work out

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Remember' date=' tell the parents (if they ask) that you won't have sex till you are married. Lead them on.





But, the only problem with that is... If you get into a deep relationship with their daughter and you DO end up having sex and the parents find out... Bad. REALLY bad. They don't like liars. Good thing I never pulled that with my GFs parents. >.>


As long as the girl was willing, and you didn't get her pregnant, they can't do s*** to you.


You've obviously never met the fathers of some of the girls I've been involved with. >.>


Though, I've only had sex with one girl. So I didn't have to worry about the other girl's dads...

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Remember' date=' tell the parents (if they ask) that you won't have sex till you are married. Lead them on.





But, the only problem with that is... If you get into a deep relationship with their daughter and you DO end up having sex and the parents find out... Bad. REALLY bad. They don't like liars. Good thing I never pulled that with my GFs parents. >.>


As long as the girl was willing, and you didn't get her pregnant, they can't do s*** to you.


You've obviously never met the fathers of some of the girls I've been involved with. >.>


Though, I've only had sex with one girl. So I didn't have to worry about the other girl's dads...


They still can't do anything. And you can press charges for assault if the father assaults you.

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Remember' date=' tell the parents (if they ask) that you won't have sex till you are married. Lead them on.





But, the only problem with that is... If you get into a deep relationship with their daughter and you DO end up having sex and the parents find out... Bad. REALLY bad. They don't like liars. Good thing I never pulled that with my GFs parents. >.>


As long as the girl was willing, and you didn't get her pregnant, they can't do s*** to you.


You've obviously never met the fathers of some of the girls I've been involved with. >.>


Though, I've only had sex with one girl. So I didn't have to worry about the other girl's dads...


They still can't do anything. And you can press charges for assault if the father assaults you.




I have a better plan..


If you have sex with a girl for the first time make sure she doesn't go home that night, they'll know for sure and that would be bad also. Make up an excuse...

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What excuse? I got drunk and couldn't drive her home? Yeah' date=' that works real well. :/



no... ok I got the perfect plan

That Thursday she gets a friend to agree to it and she asks her parents to go stay over at her friends that night and til Sunday.. and they say yes right... Well instead of going to the friends house she goes off with you.. Bingo plan. That way she can stay with you all night and you can tell you're parents what ever you wish too...

But if her parents call her friends they have to lie...

it's complicated...

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What excuse? I got drunk and couldn't drive her home? Yeah' date=' that works real well. :/



no... ok I got the perfect plan

That Thursday she gets a friend to agree to it and she asks her parents to go stay over at her friends that night and til Sunday.. and they say yes right... Well instead of going to the friends house she goes off with you.. Bingo plan. That way she can stay with you all night and you can tell you're parents what ever you wish too...

But if her parents call her friends they have to lie...

it's complicated...


Or you could have sex at the friends house, so if the parents call, she'd be there.


You'd just have to agree to clean up after yourselves.

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What excuse? I got drunk and couldn't drive her home? Yeah' date=' that works real well. :/



no... ok I got the perfect plan

That Thursday she gets a friend to agree to it and she asks her parents to go stay over at her friends that night and til Sunday.. and they say yes right... Well instead of going to the friends house she goes off with you.. Bingo plan. That way she can stay with you all night and you can tell you're parents what ever you wish too...

But if her parents call her friends they have to lie...

it's complicated...


Or you could have sex at the friends house, so if the parents call, she'd be there.


You'd just have to agree to clean up after yourselves.


Or you and her could just have some morals and wait until both of you have LEGITIMATE feelings for each other before boinking.

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What excuse? I got drunk and couldn't drive her home? Yeah' date=' that works real well. :/



no... ok I got the perfect plan

That Thursday she gets a friend to agree to it and she asks her parents to go stay over at her friends that night and til Sunday.. and they say yes right... Well instead of going to the friends house she goes off with you.. Bingo plan. That way she can stay with you all night and you can tell you're parents what ever you wish too...

But if her parents call her friends they have to lie...

it's complicated...


Or you could have sex at the friends house, so if the parents call, she'd be there.


You'd just have to agree to clean up after yourselves.


Or you and her could just have some morals and wait until both of you have LEGITIMATE feelings for each other before boinking.


Well depends on who the girl/guy is If they are whorish the have sex if they are not and wish to wait. But if you two know you can't wait then go ahead... and you don't need anything Legitimate.... it just takes some lust, and love and you have the perfect situation

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And a comfy bed. Never have sex without that' date=' you will regret it like hell.



or a cosey back set.. ;D


Or a table. I heard that tables were nice.


yeah or any other flat-topped object

i don't know how the wall would be....

a chair would work


You mean a sofa, right? Chair is kinda... meh.

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