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Then he can gtfo. -.-" This thread is srs bznz


Srs Buisness?








But yeah' date=' my girlfriend is actually pregnate =3







Any Name suggestions?


I'm thinking 'bout Biggie Tupac *my last name*


If its a cumdumpster girl, you should totally name it Clefairy. That's what my daughter will be named. They could totally become bff's.


If its a guy, his name should start with Lord. That should legally be part of his first name.

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Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait. Wait. You mean there's actually someone on this site that's not a virgin?


Kamina Catbus OMGAKITTY' date=' is your gf pregnant too?



Haha wow... You're slow.

Most people above the age of 16 on this site aren't virgins.

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I'll try to explain what I said again' date=' as I just re-read that, and noticed I really need to re-type it.


My cousing was 12 when she first started dating, and her boyfriend was like 13-14. At the age of 15-16, my cousin was pregnant. Later, when she was 17, she ended up pregnant once again. They're not married either. My parents don't want me dating before I'm 16-18 because of that very reason.


iF any of you don't understand what I'm saying, feel free to ask me to explain it again through the pm system.



Makes sense.

From your part, not your parents.


Try to explain them that your cousin made a mistake but you are not your cousin.

Tell them that you are responsible enough to make your own decisions (I assume you are, that is) and that you know what you're doing.

Just see how it goes, there's no need to come up with horror scenarios because they happened to someone else.


I see where your parents are coming from too but it's not a reason to not let you go on simple dates with someone.



I get asked out alot' date=' but it's not girls I particularly like (there not that bad, though). Should I say yes or no?




You don't particularly like the looks or behaviour?

If it's the looks maybe give them a chance and you'll see. Once you get to know them better they may be different from what you think.

If it's just... everything you don't like about them then no. Stay true to yourself and don't date someone just for the sake of it.


Well just rely on your inner voice or something.



Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait. Wait. You mean there's actually someone on this site that's not a virgin?


Kamina Catbus OMGAKITTY' date=' is your gf pregnant too?



Including or excluding yourself?


I don't plan on getting laid till I get married.


XD Slowly Roxas.


And seriously?._.

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Including or excluding yourself?


I don't plan on getting laid till I get married.


Excluding. But thats due to intentional obliviousness. (Long story and not for this thread).


Meh. like I said earlier. I haven't even been hugged. I need advice for help getting chicks to ask me out. I'm too lazy to ask, nor do I care much.

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Including or excluding yourself?


I don't plan on getting laid till I get married.


Excluding. But thats due to intentional obliviousness. (Long story and not for this thread).


Meh. like I said earlier. I haven't even been hugged. I need advice for help getting chicks to ask me out. I'm too lazy to ask' date=' nor do I care much.



If you're waiting for a girl to ask you out, expect to wait a long while....

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I have been receiving numerous reports about the behavior on this thread.

Let the trolling cool down.


ugh Icyblue' date=' I hate it when you're right.


if anybody wants an update...

sorry. I just came from school.


@OMGAKITTY: ["she put you in the friendzone"']

yea, I was afraid of that...


anyway, today at lunch, she was annoying me by purposely paying more attention to a freshmen than me. You know what that does to my ego?

I also feel sorry for that freshmen. she was totally bullsh**ing him.


That sucks.


of course I HAD to fight back.


there were no girls around for me to hit on in front of her. So I did what any human being would do in my position. I did the one thing that annoyed her the most...


I took out my iPod, and stared blasting the Kings of Leon song "Sex on Fire" through my headphones. I decided I should make an ass of myself and start singing the chorus.


not only does she hate my raspy voice, she also hates the song.


she punched me on the leg to get me to stop singing. and guess what? I didn't stop. she then proceded to yell (because I could not hear her through the headphones) that if I don't stop singing, she would slap me across the face. I know her. She would not do that, but to play it safe, I stopped. (kind of...I covered my mouth and hummed the melody to the song. It's catchy damnit)


as we were walking back to class, (we don't go to class together, so I only get to see her during lunch or in the morning) I playfully asked her why did she not like the Kings of Leon. she replied that she did, but didn't like it when I sang it (to my defense, that song is difficult to sing on key, and I don't think she realized I was just funking with her).


I quickly passed her, turned around and started singing again. She was pissed, but her friends and the freshmen were laughing their asses off. then, I said to her "you know my voice is THE SEX". then she gave me that jabroniy, "mean girls" look and said "alright Eddy, I'm going to funk you up!"


I replied with the first thing that came to my head.


"I like were this is going..."


and then I hauled ass. I ran as fast as I funking could.


when I get back to school on monday, I'll apologize and everything. but what's so singnificant about this? I don't regret annoying her. I think I might be getting over her already. I care about her as a friend, but at the same time, I'll treat her just like any of my guy friends.


and that's a good thing. Right?

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Today's Report: Had class with girl I like (I have a class with her every day.) We talk, we flirt a bit, but I fear I might be getting too far in to the friend zone. So I'll work on that. I walked her to her class and got a hug. Meh, I'll keep trying.


anyway' date=' today at lunch, she was annoying me by purposely paying more attention to a freshmen than me. You know what that does to my ego?

I also feel sorry for that freshmen. she was totally bullsh**ing him.


That sucks.


of course I HAD to fight back.


there were no girls around for me to hit on in front of her. So I did what any human being would do in my position. I did the one thing that annoyed her the most...


I took out my iPod, and stared blasting the Kings of Leon song "Sex on Fire" through my headphones. I decided I should make an ass of myself and start singing the chorus.


not only does she hate my raspy voice, she also hates the song.


she punched me on the leg to get me to stop singing. and guess what? I didn't stop. she then proceded to yell (because I could not hear her through the headphones) that if I don't stop singing, she would slap me across the face. I know her. She would not do that, but to play it safe, I stopped. (kind of...I covered my mouth and hummed the melody to the song. It's catchy damnit)


as we were walking back to class, (we don't go to class together, so I only get to see her during lunch or in the morning) I playfully asked her why did she not like the Kings of Leon. she replied that she did, but didn't like it when I sang it (to my defense, that song is difficult to sing on key, and I don't think she realized I was just f***ing with her).


I quickly passed her, turned around and started singing again. She was pissed, but her friends and the freshmen were laughing their asses off. then, I said to her "you know my voice is THE SEX". then she gave me that jabroniy, "mean girls" look and said "alright Eddy, I'm going to [i']f***[/i] you up!"


I replied with the first thing that came to my head.


"I like were this is going..."


and then I hauled ass. I ran as fast as I f***ing could.


when I get back to school on monday, I'll apologize and everything. but what's so singnificant about this? I don't regret annoying her. I think I might be getting over her already. I care about her as a friend, but at the same time, I'll treat her just like any of my guy friends.


and that's a good thing. Right?


This made me laugh. You're already in a more than friend zone. Go in for the kill.

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Today's Report: Had class with girl I like (I have a class with her every day.) We talk' date=' we flirt a bit, but I fear I might be getting too far in to the friend zone. So I'll work on that. I walked her to her class and got a hug. Meh, I'll keep trying.[hr']


[spoiler=story]anyway' date=' today at lunch, she was annoying me by purposely paying more attention to a freshmen than me. You know what that does to my ego?

I also feel sorry for that freshmen. she was totally bullsh**ing him.


That sucks.


of course I HAD to fight back.


there were no girls around for me to hit on in front of her. So I did what any human being would do in my position. I did the one thing that annoyed her the most...


I took out my iPod, and stared blasting the Kings of Leon song "Sex on Fire" through my headphones. I decided I should make an ass of myself and start singing the chorus.


not only does she hate my raspy voice, she also hates the song.


she punched me on the leg to get me to stop singing. and guess what? I didn't stop. she then proceded to yell (because I could not hear her through the headphones) that if I don't stop singing, she would slap me across the face. I know her. She would not do that, but to play it safe, I stopped. (kind of...I covered my mouth and hummed the melody to the song. It's catchy damnit)


as we were walking back to class, (we don't go to class together, so I only get to see her during lunch or in the morning) I playfully asked her why did she not like the Kings of Leon. she replied that she did, but didn't like it when I sang it (to my defense, that song is difficult to sing on key, and I don't think she realized I was just f***ing with her).


I quickly passed her, turned around and started singing again. She was pissed, but her friends and the freshmen were laughing their asses off. then, I said to her "you know my voice is THE SEX". then she gave me that jabroniy, "mean girls" look and said "alright Eddy, I'm going to [i']f***[/i] you up!"


I replied with the first thing that came to my head.


"I like were this is going..."


and then I hauled ass. I ran as fast as I f***ing could.


when I get back to school on monday, I'll apologize and everything. but what's so singnificant about this? I don't regret annoying her. I think I might be getting over her already. I care about her as a friend, but at the same time, I'll treat her just like any of my guy friends.


and that's a good thing. Right?



This made me laugh. You're already in a more than friend zone. Go in for the kill.

Ha ha! thanks alot for the support.

she knows I how much I hate being ingnored (especially when she's talking to other guys), so I just had to make myself shown.


BTW, her boyfriend was wearing a V-Neck today. I did not want to say anything about it though...(I thought it was hilarious)


about your report:

well, you already stared better than I did. when you guys are in class, does she talk to you only? or does she have other friends around?


In my past experiences with girls, I find that [bFF's/girl/guy]friends are a total C*** Block :x.

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Yeah' date=' she has friends in that class. But she stopped talking to them, to go over and talk to me. :cool:


the you should feel like THE S*** right now! *dusting sholders off*


any other times you get to talk to her outside of that class?

and how do you know you're getting in the freind zone (something of a sign)?

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Today's Report: Had class with girl I like (I have a class with her every day.) We talk' date=' we flirt a bit, but I fear I might be getting too far in to the friend zone. So I'll work on that. I walked her to her class and got a hug. Meh, I'll keep trying.



Yeah' date=' she has friends in that class. But she stopped talking to them, to go over and talk to me. :cool:



Good job mate.;)

Signs are good, seems like she will at least become a good friend.




Latest Report: Met the family of my bf and spent the day at the place where we're both going to study. I didn't know it and thought it was a bad thing, once we break off and stuff but it's fine, I guess.

And it's the first time I didn't scare parents off.O_o

They liked me.o_O


Things are going well, strange stuff...0.ô

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