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Yep. I admit we got alittle close while Mako was working last summer =(

He found out and was mad

And Mako is online now' date=' HIDE ME

*hides behind Skuldur*



*rips shirt off*


I'll protect ya!


=D Blood!


*attempts to bite neck*

that figures. lol


This post slightly offends me




You can use "That Figures" anymore.

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How dare you attack me' date=' the true immortal vampire! D<



=o Sorrieh

I'll get Blood tomorrow, Mako lets me bite him from time to time. <3

And yes I know it's weird and gross, but the blood of your love tastes so sweet and awesome.


Oh speaking of that, I was thinking of having a Vampire wedding, that would be epic.

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My relationship is just peachy.

I'm taking Mako's advice from now on, and not taking any advice from others.

As for what Icy said, I'm closing my eyes completely, if Mako hurts me and I conpletely loose it and kill myself, well I'll take that chance. As of right now, I wouldn't mind having my heart torn in two, it couldn't be any more painful than unfaithful friends.

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My relationship is just peachy.

I'm taking Mako's advice from now on' date=' and not taking any advice from others.

As for what Icy said, I'm closing my eyes completely, if Mako hurts me and I conpletely loose it and kill myself, well I'll take that chance. As of right now, I wouldn't mind having my heart torn in two, it couldn't be any more painful than unfaithful [i']friends[/i].


Wow, kitty. just wow.

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personally' date=' i don't know that i could comment on that. but yeah, ignoring those who give bad advice is good, but what about those who give good advice? XD



All advice. I don't care whose it is. If it's not him, I'm not listening. Because What have i gotten from listening to advice telling me that I should slow down. If i was stupid and didn't know what i was getting myself into I would but I know him, I sure as heck know my emotions, and I know what I can feel. My relationship is everything but normal. We aren't supposed to be together, but we will be, I quite frankly don't really care if i tear my family slap into, I don't care if they never have anything to do with me again. As long as I'm happy, I could care less. As far as I'm concerned every peice of advice, well not every peice, that I have gotten have either upset me, Made me depressed, and miserable. It wasn't helping my relationship at all.

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My relationship is just peachy.

I'm taking Mako's advice from now on' date=' and not taking any advice from others.

As for what Icy said, I'm closing my eyes completely, if Mako hurts me and I conpletely loose it and kill myself, well I'll take that chance. As of right now, I wouldn't mind having my heart torn in two, it couldn't be any more painful than unfaithful [i']friends[/i].


Isn't that a little... over the top? I mean, you're 15 (the same age as me) and you're even complementing suicide? Don't take this the wrong way, but it seems that your happiness is so overboard that you're not actually happy? I dunno, it just seems weird that a chance of more happiness in your life could be taken away by one person. Naturally, you said that you wouldn't be listening to anyone's advice, so feel free to ignore me. I'm just... curious.

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as am i' date=' if only a little. but for me, its more of why ignore everyone outright? at the least you could listen to those who give good advice, give it some consideration, and then ask mako if it sounds like whatever advice 'holds water', so to speak.



To be quite honest, no advice is good for me, I mean, Ever since Icy pushed me to getting upset like one week ago, I haven't been the same. =/ I do not get upset for many reasons. So to prevent myself from getting upset again, I shold just ignore everything, I mean, It's Mako's choice after all. If he wished to ruin the happiness he says he feels with me then it's his fault. But you guys haven't seen him truely show his emotions, so I don't see how ya'lls advice works. You guys don't even know how I feel. And as I've said before, because of our kinship Mako and I, prier to this relationship, already had a bond, and our love threatens that bond. And that bond and our trust in one another has proven that it can and will stand up to anything.

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Kitty' date=' you being like that makes you narrow-minded and oblivious to whats going on around you.



No it doesn't. I am all but narrow-minded nor am I oblivious. BUt i shall not agrue with you Hunter; it'd be a waist of my breath, Just read my above statement.


And Hunter, Darlin' you don't know everything, Only what i choose to tell you. ;) You may be a friend, but trust isn't exactly my thing. So you only get edited explainations.

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kitty princess is obviously attention whoring and acts like lying doesn't exist on the Internet. Well played, although your trolling skills need some improvement.


Since I got banned for saying this (the truth), that'll be the last time I say it. But if you actually believe kitty princess and his/her far fetched stories and buy into his/her attention whoring, all I can do is stand (or sit) back, facepalm, and watch you take the bait. You morons.




More on topic, however, my relationship life is pretty stable. I still don't have a girlfriend, but I'm getting a bit overwhelmed with how many dates I have. And I'm running out of excuses. I'm just so happy that the SAT's are coming up soon, and after that, I can finally relax. =)

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as am i' date=' if only a little. but for me, its more of why ignore everyone outright? at the least you could listen to those who give good advice, give it some consideration, and then ask mako if it sounds like whatever advice 'holds water', so to speak.


To be quite honest, no advice is good for me, I mean, Ever since Icy pushed me to getting upset like one week ago, I haven't been the same. =/ I do not get upset for many reasons. So to prevent myself from getting upset again, I shold just ignore everything, I mean, It's Mako's choice after all. If he wished to ruin the happiness he says he feels with me then it's his fault. But you guys haven't seen him truely show his emotions, so I don't see how ya'lls advice works. You guys don't even know how I feel. And as I've said before, because of our kinship Mako and I, prier to this relationship, already had a bond, and our love threatens that bond. And that bond and our trust in one another has proven that it can and will stand up to anything.

well...if you say so. i personally feel that while there aren't many on here who could give sound advice as to your problem and whatever, you should still listen to those who would. however, it is your choice, so i won't press the issue any further.

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