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my cards


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ok ppl since i dont have any pics for my cards here they are in written form enjoy and rate


NYC-001 Fire Falcon

Attribute: Fire

Level: 4

Type: Winged Beast/Effect

Attack: 1600

Defense: 1400


Effect: You can offer 1 FIRE type monster as a tribute while this card is on the field or in the graveyard to inflict 1,000 points direct damage to your opponent’s life points.


NYC-002 Freezing Falcon


Attribute: Water

Level: 5

Type: Winged Beast/Aqua

Attack: 1500

Defense: 2200


Description: this beautiful bird is made of pure ice, it can freeze and make anything break even the hardest steel.


NYC-003 Lightning Falcon

Attribute: Wind

Level: 4

Type: Winged Beast/Thunder

Attack: 1600

Defense: 1500


Description: This bird’s lighting can light up a million houses with power or waste it with its magnificent but terrible power.


NYC-004 Cyber Falcon MK II

Attribute: Wind

Level: 4

Type: Machine/Tuner

Attack: 1900

Defense: 1700


Description: Cyber Falcon has just received an upgrade! Now this machine is fully ready for combat and now exceeds Mach 6.



NYC-005 The Fiery Phoenix

Attribute: Fire

Level: 10

Type: Winged Beast/Fusion/Effect

Attack: 4500

Defense: 3800

Monsters needed: Fire Falcon/Cyber Falcon MK II/Inferno


Effect: If this monster gets destroyed in battle by monster effect, magic, or trap. You can pay 1,500 life points to special summon this card back to the field and increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 500 points every time this effect is used.


NYC-006 Phoenix FireKnight

Attribute: Fire

Level: 7

Type: Pyro/Synchro/Effect

Monsters needed: “Cyber Falcon MK II” + 1 or more FIRE type non-tuner monsters

Attack: 2900

Defense: 2000


Effect: Once per turn, If you control a FIRE type monster on your side of the field you either 1. Tribute the monster to inflict 300 points times the number of stars the tribute monster had or 2. Tribute one Fire type monster to increase the ATK of this card by 400 points times the number of stars the tribute monster had.


NYC-007 Frost Airknight

Attribute: Water

Level: 6

Type: Winged Beast/aqua/Synchro/Effect

Monsters needed: Cyber Falcon MK II + 1 or more WATER type non-tuner monsters

Attack: 2300

Defense: 2600


Effect: When this monster is successfully synchro summoned, you can choose up to 3 cards on your opponent’s cards on their side of the field, while this card is on the field, those cards effects are negated. (Face-up and face down card effects are also negated if targeted by this effect)


NYC-008 Lightning Airknight

Attribute: Wind

Level: 7

Type: Winged Beast/Thunder/Synchro/Effect

Monsters needed: Cyber Falcon MK II + 1 or more thunder non-tuner monsters

Attack: 2700

Defense: 1700


Effect: While this card is on the field, once per turn, you can pay 1,000 life points to have this card attack twice in the same turn but once this effect is activated, this monster is automatically switched into defense mode and cannot be switched until your next turn or by card effect.


NYC-009 Infection Worm

Attribute: Earth

Level: 2

Type insect/effect

Attack: 300

Defense: 600


Effect: You can equip this monster to any monster on your opponent’s side of the field, if this card is equipped to any monster on your opponent’s monsters the monster’s ATK and DEF is decreased by 500 points during each standby phase (If the equipped monster is destroyed this monster is also destroyed.)


this aint all my cards some of my cards have been made into card form in which i will get at a later time


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