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.:Contest~ IMAG!NE ~ Th!nk you've got imag!nat!on?:. ;) .:(Third Round up, Hurry and post your Cardz!!):.


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ArtWork * Or!g!nal!ty * Imag!nat!on

ArtWork * Or!g!nal!ty *


[align=center][spoiler=[color=#FF69B4]DIFFRENCE BETWEEN ART,OR!G!NAL!TY,AND IMAG!NAT!ON]Art is the pic, Originality is how unique the cards effect is and when putting imagination into a card you look at the card overall, so basically imagination is getting a really good pic and making up a rlly good effect tht will match the pic....understand?

[spoiler=[color=#FF0000]Contestant Form[/color]]




any info i nedd to know: (ex. if u didnt post your card, when will you post it)



[spoiler=[color=#1E90FF]Judge Form[/color]]

*Note*:to be a judge you must have at least 4 stars



one of your Cards:

any info i nedd to know: (ex.if u will not be available for the second round or sumtin like that)



[spoiler=[color=#FFD700]Round 1[/color]]For Round 1, you must make a Effect Monster, it can be anything you want just be sure to include good artwork;) for Round one Art work will count as 50%

so try and get the best possible pic. 20 will enter round one but only 5 will progress, the 1st round starts when we have 20 contestants and will end 4 days prior to start date. good luck to all of you



[spoiler=[color=#32CD32]Round 2[/color]]For Round 2, you must make a Fusion, it can be anything you want just be sure to be very original;) for Round two Or!g!nal!ty will count as 50%

so try and be as original as possible. 8 will enter round two but only 4 will progress to the final round, the 2nd round starts when the winners from round 1 are announced and will end 4 days prior to start date. good luck to all of you



[spoiler=[color=#FF1493]Round 3[/color]]For Round 3, you must make a ritual, it can be anything you want just be sure to use your Imag!nat!on;) for Round three Imag!nat!on will count as 50%

so try and be very creative. 4 will enter round three but there can only be 1 winner, the 3rd round starts when the winners from round two are announced and will end 4 days prior to start date. good luck to all of you




Dont wrry about level, ANYONEcan join =D

1.1337 Noob

2.Insert Name Here




6.Кинг Ирон

7.DR. Gentle

8.Красная Луна




12.Dramatic Crossroad














[spoiler=[color=#DDA0DD] Prizes and Entry fee[/color]]

Entry fee his 20 points


1st place~100 points +3 Reps =O

2nd place~20 points +2 Reps

3rd place~10 points +1 Rep

4th place~ A pat on the back and a job well done =)


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This card can only be summoned if you tribute the spell "Dog Vortex" and "Warrior Of The Dog Legend Lv.10".If "Warrior Of The Dog Legend Lv. EX" is defeated by battle,put 3 Dog-Tokens on the field.If a Dog-Token is defeated by battle,destroy the attacking monster. "Warrior Of The Dog Legend Lv. EX" cannot be special summoned."Warrior Of The Dog Legend Lv. EX" can only attack Warrior-Type monsters.If this card is defeated by battle,destroy the attacking monster.


any info i need to know:

The pic was created by .:Magikarp:.,requested it at his old shop and PM me if the results are out ;)


This is a great contest,Original too ;)

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Username: Красная Луна

Card: 64797j-1.jpg

This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "No one Mourns the Wicked". This card can only declare an attack equipped with "Defying Gravity". If this card is destroyed by the effect of a Spell or Trap card you may pay 2000 lifepoints to return "No one Mourns the Wicked" to your hand.

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Card: 2ew0bdi.jpg


Effect:This card cannot be Special Summoned. Once per turn, you may equip 1 face-up Machine-Type monster you control to this card. Increase this cards attack by the amount of stars of the equipped monster x200. You may remove from play 1 monster equipped to this card to destroy 1 card on the field.


any info i nedd to know: Bow down To me :/

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Name : Batteryman AAA

[spoiler=Card Entry][align=center]2zoan37.jpg

During each End Phase put 1"Necrosis Counter" on every other face-up non-Machine-Type monster on the field (decrease a monster's Level by the number of "Necrosis Counters" on it. In addition it decreases it's ATK and DEF by 400 for each "Necrosis Counter" on it).[/align]


[spoiler=Xtra Info:]

Art - drawn by me.

Effect Reference: Necrosis is the premature death of living tissues. This dragon spreads a disease that increases cell-degeneration causing living forms around it to decay. Although machines are free from this inconvenience.


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To, Кинг Ирон, and DR. Gentle: wlecome, points have been recieved


To, Insert Name here and Красная Луна:you guys still need to pay up =)


TO, ~olimars~: for u 100% off, since your one of my best buddz =D


To, Yu-Gi-Oh dude:idk if your in cuz your card has OCG Errors...........and other problemz, ex. u dont sacrifice Life Points you PAY. Ill Pm you with my decision.


To, Battery man AAA:Idk ifyou want to be a judge or contestant.......

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nice card, but one problem for the first round, you must create a effect monster, a fusion monster is the second round........................so i guess you should just make a effect monster and if you make it to round two (based on your skills, you most likely will)

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