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Dark Rose vs. Dragon Creator | Over | Winner; Dark Rose

Enma Ai

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[align=center]Just a small 1 on 1.



- Must be a Synchro, Dark Synchro or Ritual Monster (Ritual spell card not needed)

- Must be a WATER Attribute



Prizes etc.

- Winner gets 3 +REPS


- Contest ends in 48 hours or first to 7 Votes.



Post your card and effect here to enter. First come first served.




[spoiler=Dark Rose]



This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card "Rising of the Water Demon". Once per turn you can pay 1000 Life Points to destroy all face-up FIRE monsters on the field. When a FIRE monster is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned this card looses 500 ATK and DEF. If this card attacks a Plant-type monster destroy it without applying damage calculation. This card can not be Special Summoned from the Graveyard.








1 WATER Tuner + 1 or more Non-Tuner WATER monsters

This card can only be Summoned by Synchro Summon. Once during each of your turns, you can select and activate 1 of the following effects:

-This card cannot be destroyed by a Spell or Trap Card, for this turn only. This card cannot attack this turn if you activate this effect.

-Place 2 Cylcone Counters on this card. For each Cyclone Counter, this card gain 200 ATK. Once per turn remove 2 Cyclone Counters to destroy 1 card on the Field. If the card is a FIRE monster destroy another card on the Field.




Voting begins NAO![/align]

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1 WATER Tuner + 1 or more Non-Tuner WATER monsters

This card can only be Summoned by Synchro Summon. Once during each of your turns, you can select and activate 1 of the following effects:

-This card cannot be destroyed by a Spell or Trap Card, for this turn only. This card cannot attack this turn if you activate this effect.

-Place 2 Cylcone Counters on this card. For each Cyclone Counter, this card gain 200 ATK. Once per turn remove 2 Cyclone Counters to destroy 1 card on the Field. If the card is a FIRE monster destroy another card on the Field.


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