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Q&Arch0n™ (Ask YCMember Arch0n™ a question)


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[align=center]Yes, I will join this little game of Q&A of users of YCM.


[spoiler=Questions that you might ask]

Q. When did you join YCM?

A. Oct. 17 2008 at 7:34 PM


Q. What's your first name?

A. Quentin


Q. What where you past name(s)?

A. In order: Mozart1337, GHLegend, .:Legend:., S.C.O.R.P.I.O.N

Pt. 2 Q. Why did you choose those names?

Pt 2 A.

Mozart1337 = Mozart = My cat's name + 1337 = means cool in nerd speak.

GHLegend = GH = Guitar Hero + Legend = What I am on Guitar Hero.

.:Legend:. = .: and :. = What everyone was doing with there names + Legend = I was at the top of my card making skills when I had that name.

S.C.O.R.P.I.O.N = The S.C.O.R.P.I.O.N stands for nothing, and in real life, a scorpion is a deadly thing.


Q. Why did you choose Arch0n™ as your name?

A. In the game StarCraft and StarCraft: Brood War, you and fuse two people and make a Arch0n, and it was awesome lines in the game.




Now, any questions?[/align]

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