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TMC III Round for 5th Place ENDED


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The first with 5 votes win, the winner receive the 5th place prize

( winner also get 1 rep from the loser)


stunnero101 Card:


[spoiler=Lore]You can tribute this card to special summon 1 level 2 monster from your Graveyard to the field.If you do so you can add 1 equip card from your Graveyard and add it to your hand.This effect can only be used on the turn this card is normal summoned,special summoned of flip summoned.



Mik-Chan Card:


[spoiler=Lore]1 Robotech Tuner + 1 or more Machine non-Tuner Monsters

This card is also treated as a Psychic-type. When this card Attacks a Beast, Beast-Warrior, Fairy, Fiend, Spellcaster, Warrior, or Winged Beast-type monster, Destroy it. If this card has more ATK than the Destroyed monster, take Damage equal to the difference between the ATK of this monster and your opponents monster. If this card has less ATK, inflict Damage to your opponent equal to the Level of the Destroyed monster x400.


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Both have no good OCG.

The effects arent useless..Every effect can be usefull (if its used wisely)

(there are Equip Spells you can Special Summon monsters with..if you have 2 of them..you can Special Summon it..tribute it again and special summon it with the 2nd equip Spell..so you have 3 monsters on the field..)


I vote for "stunnero101"

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