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Beast warrior Contest.(Round 4 started! No more members!)

Admiral Tim

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Hi this is Majortim back with a new contest! you may remember my last contest was a big success but had to end early. ok so here are the basic rules:


End Date: (Sept 25 may shorten.)


Entry fee: 5 points.


Prize: First place. 25 points, 3 reps, trophy card and a free member card.

Second: place 15 points, 1 rep, Trophy card.

Third: 5 points and a medal card.


Eliminated: Round one: [email protected]: hard too understand effect.

DarknessZ: really overpowered.

Round 2: Ultimas: didn't get the card in to me.

Dragon creator: a bit too over powered.

Round 3: Battery man AAA: didn't get the card in to me.

Victa zeh victa: to many O.C.G errors.

Round 4: Deckshuffler: Too many o.c.g errors

3rd place:Milk chan


Round one rules: All forum rules apply, create a beast warrior card that get's stronger when other types of cards are on the field,hand, deck or grave. (e.g. This card gains 100 ATK for every Dark monster in your hand.)


Round 2 rules: create a beast warrior card that returns to the field after being destroyed by a card effect.(e.g. This card returns to the field after being destroyed by a trap card.)


Round 3 Rules: create a beast warrior that DOES NOT have an effect.


Round 4 rules: create a beast warrior that is a fusion.


Round 5 rules: Create any beast warrior you want.


This is an elimination tournament, there will be 5 rounds and two people will be eliminated each round.

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Im in:

Image credit to Akoolgie 800



This card can only be summoned if you tribute the spell "Dog Vortex" and "Warrior Of The Dog Legend Lv.10".

If "Warrior Of The Dog Legend Lv. EX" is defeated by battle,put 3 Dog-Tokens on the field.If a Dog-Token is defeated by battle,destroy the attacking monster. "Warrior Of The Dog Legend Lv. EX" cannot be special summoned."Warrior Of The Dog Legend Lv. EX" can only attack Warrior-Type monsters.

If this card is defeated by battle,destroy the attacking monster.

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I'll join


Effect:This card cannot be removed from play. This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Tributing 1 face-up Spell Card and 1 face-up Trap Card. Once per turn you can select 2 Spell or Trap cards from your Deck and show them to your opponent then your opponent selects 1 of those cards. The selected card is added to your hand and the other card is removed from play until the 3rd turn in which this card's effect is activated. This card gains 100 ATK for each Spell or Trap Card in your Graveyard or that is removed from play.


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I think I will join ^.^

Here's the card:[spoiler=Card]360261w.jpg

[spoiler=lore]This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card can only be Normal Summoned or Set by offering 3 Beast-Warrior-Type monster on your side of the field as a tribute. Once per turn, you can discard 1 Beast-Warrior-Type monster from your hand to the Graveyard to destroy 1 card on the field. Each time a Beast-Warrior-Type monster is sent to the Graveyard from your hand by a card effect, this card gain 200 ATK. This card gain 300 ATK for each Beast-Warrior-Type monster on your side of the field.



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