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Re-Vision!: Pharaoh's Servant.


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Oh, yeah, we all know that Konami sucks at everything they do. So, The Will being The Will, I will surely set things right.


At least in the Net.


So help me (insert favorite role model here).


Basically, those that are not included in this set are not going to be revised - ever. The sun can't really shine on some motherf***ers, for Konami said so.










When this card is successfully Tribute Summoned, it gains the following effect:


* Negate the effects of face-up Trap Cards. Trap Cards cannot be activated while this card is face-up.







Normal Trap


Pay 1000 Life Points. This card's effect becomes the effect of 1 Spell Card in your opponent's Graveyard.





Backup Soldier


Normal Trap


Add up to 3 Normal Monsters from your Graveyard to your hand.





Magical Hats


Normal Trap


Flip 1 face-up monster into face-down Defense Position. Then take 2 Spell or Trap Cards from your Deck and Set them on the owner's side of the field in face-down Defense Position. The selected cards are treated as Monster Cards (ATK 0/DEF 0).




Minor Goblin Official


Continuous Trap


Inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points during each of their Standby Phases.




Limiter Removal


Quick-Play Spell


Double the ATK of all face-up Machine-Type monsters. All monsters affected by this effect cannot attack directly.




Darkset Eyes




Activate when a monster is Set. Flip all face-down monsters into face-up Attack Position and negate all Flip Effects. Monsters affected by this effect cannot change their battle positions while face-up.




Imperial Order


Normal Trap


Neither player can activate Spell Cards until the End Phase.



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Limiter Removal

Quick-Play Spell

Double the ATK of all face-up Machine-Type monsters. All monsters affected by this effect cannot attack directly.


Not until the End Phase? I see that still being OP'd with many cards' date=' even if it won't OTK. Being a Quick-Play doesn't help.



But you'd still have a Zombyra - useful for beating the sheet out of almost anything, but useless for finishing games, at least until you get one unaffected by Limiter's effect.

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That's exactly my point, a weak 1600 beater becomes a Godly 3200 destruction-machine, it also affects your whole field and is a quick-play, probably the most versatile type of spell/trap, make the ATK boost until the End Phase only, and they don't get destroyed, it's still the equivalent of a reverse-shrink, for your entire field, so I'd see plenty of play.

What happens if you activate it after you declare a direct attack?

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