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[DISC]Miracle Fusion - Future Fusion

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Send' date=' from your Deck to the Graveyard, Fusion Material Monsters that are listed on a Fusion Monster Card, and select that 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck. Special Summon a Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck with the same name as the selected Fusion Monster during your 2nd Standby Phase after this card's activation. (This Special Summon is treated as a Fusion Summon.) When this card is removed from the field, destroy the monster. When the monster is destroyed, destroy this card.[/quote'][/align]


Incidentally, if there were a similar card, such as:




Would it be nearly as good or not?

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XD Super Draw engine card would be banned quickly when this is discovered.




Would it be nearly as good or not?


Great. This would be abused in every deck, especially in Vayu Turbo. Send the BWs from your Deck to the Graveyard then Synchro from Graveyard and then, after 2 SP, you get another BW Synchro (with effect)! This would be restricted or banned.

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Tuningware wouldn't trigger. It wasn't sent to the Graveyard for a Synchro Summon' date=' it was sent for the condition of Future Synchro which happens to Synchro Summon during a later turn.



Darksea Rescue wouldn't trigger either, then.


That leaves Raikoh as the only person who mentioned a good reason why it would be broken.

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Guest PikaPerson01

Synchro Material Monsters? <_<


On-topic: This is just another version of Painful Choice, isn't it? No cards are listed on any of the playable Synchros, so you can just dump stuff like Wulf, Mezuki, Jinzo Returner and Jinzo (though they can be used with Future Fusion too...), and a plethora of other stuff that enjoys being in the graveyard, Malicious, Necro Gardna, etc etc.


tl;dr: Future Fusion at least requires some deck dedication. Future Synchro requires the easily accomplish-able "run some tuners and non tuners".

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Guest PikaPerson01

Synchro Material Monsters? <_<


Read Torapart. First sentence.


Let me rephrase:


"Synchro Material Monsters that are listed on a Synchro Monster? <_<"


As in, only the non-generic (read, not as good) Synchro Monsters even have Synchro Material Monsters listed (and even then only either list tuners or Types). I know you were copy and pasting Future Fusion's effect and replacing "Fusion" with "Synchro" and other such things, however the are quicker and less painful ways of stating the exact same effect. "Select one Synchro monster in your Extra Deck. Send one tuner and any number of monsters who's levels are equal to that Synchro monster's level." And... etc etc, or something less stupid sounding.

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Guest PikaPerson01

Except if the idea is to summon savior dragon. That one has listed monsters but those monsters total levels are not equal to that mosnter level.


You can't summon Savior Dragon anyway, unless this is 5D's, where people place Synchro Monsters in their Main Deck. It'd be like attempting to summon Dragon Master Knight with only Future Fusion. Impossible.


Secondly, if this card's effect IS implying what you're implying above (IE, to hell with levels, 3 Wulfs are non-Tuners, Plaguespreader Zombie is a tuner. Let's summon Armory Aid!), then you just about take out the only thing that made Synchros even remotely not broken (and it's still debatable just how broken these guys are) and turn this card into a Painful Choice for anything, for as many cards as you want, and on the off chance your opponent is asleep, you get a huge boss monster at the end of it.


Easily bannable.

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Synchro Material Monsters? <_<


Read Torapart. First sentence.


Let me rephrase:


"Synchro Material Monsters that are listed on a Synchro Monster? <_<"


As in' date=' only the non-generic (read, not as good) Synchro Monsters even have Synchro Material Monsters listed (and even then only either list tuners or Types). I know you were copy and pasting Future Fusion's effect and replacing "Fusion" with "Synchro" and other such things, however the are quicker and less painful ways of stating the exact same effect. "Select one Synchro monster in your Extra Deck. Send one tuner and any number of monsters who's levels are equal to that Synchro monster's level." And... etc etc, or something less stupid sounding.



Its Konami, they believe card effects look better when they dumb down the english on all there card texts

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Great. This would be abused in every deck, especially in Vayu Turbo. Send the BWs from your Deck to the Graveyard then Synchro from Graveyard and then, after 2 SP, you get another BW Synchro (with effect)! This would be restricted or banned.


This. This card would be rape in vayu turbo. This card would be banned almost instantly.

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Great. This would be abused in every deck' date=' especially in Vayu Turbo. Send the BWs from your Deck to the Graveyard then Synchro from Graveyard and then, after 2 SP, you get another BW Synchro (with effect)! This would be restricted or banned.[/quote']


This. This card would be rape in vayu turbo. This card would be banned almost instantly.


Not if they made it a short-print Secret Rare in a new pack.

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